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Old 07-21-2010, 02:19 PM
weedahoe's Avatar
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Pocket PC: XV6800
Carrier: VZW
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Angry xv6800 will not die and go away

We had Evo's but had to take them back because I could not get any signal. So Im back to my xv6800 and man what a down grade!!

I was wanting the DX on VZW but with the locked BL and chit, hell no I dont want that. I am ALL about customizations. I dont want the D2 either for a few reasons so i decided I will try to wait until Nov and hopefully some of the rumors about VZW going LTE and new compatible devices will have some truth to it. But I decided I would call Asurion and see if i could get them to replace my XV6800 with something newer but they still have xv6800's in stock.

::UGH:: !!!!!!!!

When will this device GO AWAY!!

When you can buy it cheaper on ebay than you can get it replaced through insurance it should no longer be available!!
Loving my rooted Droid X
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