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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 01:05 PM
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[APPS] OVERCLOCK Raphael/Diamond/Topaz/Rhodium/Blackstone/Whitestone...

OverClock Tool

Install the CAB, execute OCT-Run.exe from startmenu folder. Thats all.
Other clock tools may show wrong CPU speed, because I use a different technical approach. Use a benchmark program (Linpack-WinCE-ARM or SPB Benchmark).

There are no special requirements for overclocking, the tool will work on battery and AC power; there is no special frequency and no SOD. The app is developed on a TP2 with stock rom, but should function on other MSM7200 based devices too.

- Overclocking your cpu may damage your device.
- Before autostarting the app be sure that your device will not hang, or you need to hard-reset !!!
- backup is recommended !!

Please test my app and report here.

!!! Before uninstalling or re-installing the cab always execute OCT_Stop.exe !!!!

changes in 1.5
- changed interface and GUI: removed cpu_min ==> readme.txt
- fixed: performance loss on dynamic clocking from very low to high
- fixed: wrong speed on resume (a rare combination)
- internal optimizations for speed and stability
- removed overclocking limit (don't blame me, if your cpu wont run at 1,2 Ghz !)

changes in 1.4.1
- fixed error setting interv to 0
- fixed OCT_Run does not start OC

changes in 1.4
- removed underclocking limit
- more settings in GUI
- interval = 0 disables load measuring
- OCT_Run fixed
- (should) work on MSM7200 compatible cpu: MSM7600
- readme.txt with interface definition

changes in 1.3
- dynamic clock (depending on CPU-load: if actual load is higher than load max, cpu will be tuned up and vice versa. if load is 1 or 100, cpu will be set to min or max. interval is period in ms for calculate load)
- extended GUI (quick and dirty, not very nice, but interface will be described soon)
- again some changes for Sprint TP2 (do not work !!!! hardreset needed)

changes in 1.2
- installation on storage card
- selectable CPU speed between 518.4 and 652.8 Mhz
- simple GUI
- start with OCT_Run or OCT_GUI
- settings will NOT be stored before deactivating overclocking
- again some test fixes for Sprint TP2

changes in 1.1
- prevent reboot loop
- program files are now in folder "program files\OCT"
- shortcuts are now in folder "start menu\programs\OCT"
- changes for Sprint TP2 (just a educated guess, deeper analysis will follow)


Supported devices
- Raphael
- Diamond (unconfirmed)
- Rhodium
- Topaz (unconfirmed)
- Blackstone
- More?

- The CPU speed is calculated from the actual clock registers, not via some dll or shady method.
- CPU speed is updated every 250ms
- A small dot blinks on each update so that you can see if your device hangs or not.
- Under- or overclock by moving the slider

Notes on overclocking
2) Only works while connected to AC power
3) The "604MHz" OC frequency is a special one. Only with this frequency set, you can remove AC power without having a lockup. So: after you overclock and want to remove your USB cable, set it to 604MHz first! You'll see it go back to the default 528MHz a second after you remove the cable. That's something the device does, not my app.
4) Overclocking while on battery gives insta-hang.
5) "Apply at boot" is disabled as under- or overclock would hang at boot.

When using TCPMP to benchmark the overclock, be aware that this tool overclocks the CPU, not the GPU.

The voltage to the processor is the same as when it is on 528MHz. It seems it cannot be increased. However, more speed will result in more heat, which means energy from your battery.

- Enabled apply at boot option (Choose wisely, if your device hangs on boot, you'll need a hard reset)
- Fix app crash (trackbar exception) when going into standby
- Increased max freq to 902.4MHz for those fortunate enough
- SoD/hang on battery/etc not fixed yet

- Initial release

Known issues
Q: Device hangs when unplugging from AC power
A: Read the overclock notes.

Q: When on battery and I press the "604MHz" button, it shows 604MHz for a brief second, and then goes back to "528MHz".
A: Some driver, module, or whatever in Windows Mobile enforces CPU speed every second, overriding the overclock. This is a known issue.


Attached Files
File Type: cab OCT_V-1.5.CAB (50.0 KB, 317 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab Msm7kCpuSpeed_v2.cab (61.1 KB, 150 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by one80oneday; 09-09-2010 at 10:41 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 11:15 PM
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Re: [APP] Msm7kCpuSpeed OVERCLOCK Raphael/Diamond/Topaz/Rhodium/Blackstone

very cool, thanks for posting. I've been hoping something like this would come along.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 04:17 PM
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Re: [APPS] OVERCLOCK Raphael/Diamond/Topaz/Rhodium/Blackstone/Whitestone...

Update: added OCT
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 06:14 PM
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Re: [APPS] OVERCLOCK Raphael/Diamond/Topaz/Rhodium/Blackstone/Whitestone...

awesome. cant wait to here what frequency people are maxing out at
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 06:19 PM
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Re: [APPS] OVERCLOCK Raphael/Diamond/Topaz/Rhodium/Blackstone/Whitestone...

787.2 here, can't get anywhere on my diamond tho
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2010, 10:15 PM
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Re: [APPS] OVERCLOCK Raphael/Diamond/Topaz/Rhodium/Blackstone/Whitestone...

huh, maybe its because it keeps jumping down to 100ish mhz (from 800) but this makes my device seem sluggish and freezes on me sometimes
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 02:12 PM
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Re: [APPS] OVERCLOCK Raphael/Diamond/Topaz/Rhodium/Blackstone/Whitestone...

Installed OCT 1.5, click OCT-RUN, nothing happened at all.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2010, 04:49 PM
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Re: [APPS] OVERCLOCK Raphael/Diamond/Topaz/Rhodium/Blackstone/Whitestone...

Originally Posted by ctiger View Post
Installed OCT 1.5, click OCT-RUN, nothing happened at all.
Execute OCT_GUI to access the interface in the first screenshot of the thread.
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