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Old 06-25-2010, 05:23 PM
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[How-To] Get Your iPhone into/out of DFU/Recovery

In many tutorials and instances you may need to get your device into DFU or Recovery for various reasons. Let's clarify first:

Recovery: This is a state wherein your iPhone cannot do anything and has a picture of a USB and iTunes. Your phone is in this state for the purpose of being restored to factory settings or upgraded to a new firmware version. In this mode, iBoot, the bootloader on an iPhone, prevents the device from restoring a custom ROM (or IPSW firmware image), or restoring to a firmware version older than the current one.

DFU Mode:
or Device Firmware Update, is similar to Recovery, except in this mode you will see a black screen and iBoot is not loaded, making it possible to restore custom firmware's (jailbroken) and downgrade to a previous firmware in most cases.

To enter Recovery:

1) Turn the phone off

2) Open iTunes and have the phone disconnected

3) Hold the Home key and while continuing to hold it plug in the phone back to the computer, continue to hold the home key till you see the Recovery Mode image (the usb cord with the itunes icon)

you can also use the attached program to quickly put your phone in recovery and get it out

(must have libusb installed first, get it here)

To enter DFU:

1) Have the iPhone off

2) hold the power button for 3 seconds.

3) Now while continuing the hold the power button hold press the home button at the same time for about 10 seconds, you should see in your computer taskbar it recognizes a phone in DFU mode.

if that fails try the usual method

1) Make sure iPhone is off

2) Connect to USB to PC and have iTunes open.

3) Hold power + home for exactly 10 seconds, then let go of power, continuing to hold home for 10 seconds.

4) iTunes should say you have a phone in recovery, but your screen should still be off, this is DFU.

To Exit Recovery Mode:

sometimes these work and sometimes they don't. Post your solutions and and I can include it

A) First solution. Connect iPhone to your PC. Press and hold Power + Home for 10 seconds, let go till device restarts. If this does not work try this again.

B) Download attached program and click to exit recovery mode. (must have libusb installed first, get it here)

C) you can also use iREB (attached) to get it out of recovery loop.

To Exit DFU Mode:

First solution. Connect iPhone to your PC. Press and hold Power + Home for 10 seconds, let go till device restarts. If this does not work try this again.

B) press the power button for 20 seconds, if nothing hold home + Power for 10 seconds, then let go of home and continue with power for 10 seconds.

NOTE: if you failed a restore or no matter what you cannot get out of recovery/DFU and you're ready to throw your phone at the wall you have to do a restore thru iTunes.

Last edited by orangekid; 07-20-2010 at 12:02 PM.
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