Cingular Video on Hermes
hey guys ive been searching around for awhile about this topic and i came across this thread. you guys seem to know the most so i was wondering if anyone could lend a hand.....i have the cingular 8525 on cingular of course.....it does not come preloaded with cingular video....which i really want....i have real player 1.1 but when i access http://cingularvideo.cingular.com all it says is "cingular video is available only on supported 3g phones." my phone is 3g so how would i go about getting it on there?? would i have to conect via wi-fi to access that .ram download?? or is it possible one of you could post that program file here?? hopefully i can get it to work because i like this better than mobitv.
This phone is not cingular video compatibe, sorry. The same way Sprint's mobile phones are not Sprint TV capable. Who cares anyway, you have an Internet, Windows Media driven pocket PC, do you have any idea how many options are out there? MobiTV for one, its 10 bucks a month which equals the cost of Cingular Video. Then there's slingbox. Watch every channel you have at home on your cell phone. ANY CHANNEL, ANY TIME. On Demand, PPV, whatever. Also look through the "pocket pc software" section of this site for other options. But Sling is the way to go
www.slingmedia.com |