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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 10:10 PM
decryptonite's Avatar
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alignment and screen stops

well , first off , i'd like to say how much i love this phone and dont really feel like getting hooked or spending time on another one . i'd like to keep it for a while. .as for my previous phone lasted me for 7yrs, through high school . anyway. i guess i was dumb for a minute and attached the case to my shorts while riding and jumping my pocket rocket and lost my touch , it was factory sealed when i got it . no issues . then come to find out its old and no retail stores i find carries it brand new , or cares
about it. then may i add no newer phone is appealing to me . so me having to have the same phone bought one on ebay used, which i shouldnt have. it looked clean with no cracks nor scuffs. turned it on , seemed to be working . not realizing it has been off with no charge so cant find any errors yet. screen taps work , small tabs for scrolling . to get to the point . while having the back light on doing something scolling just inside the phone , after about 3 to 4 minz if i get lucky , the screen stops letting me tap things or the alignment is terribly off . as an example , i could be texting someone , probley the 2nd or 3rd text i get back then respond maybe someonelse would text me , then finishing the one that was opened aleady , then sending it . its like thats it , i cant do anything , maybe open the next text but hitting that key board i can forget about it . however , if i wait with the backlight off , for about 5to 10 minz i can screen tap again , i also notice as to say i was browsing the programs folder and holding the small tab to scroll up or down in the window , i can hold it still for like 10 sec. then the screen will jump or twitch fast , and i dont have to be moving the stylus at all. so i dealt with it a while , thinking it was nothing , performing those soft resets and hard resets and even reflashed , but i'm done trying , i received it with windows 6.0 in it .so i flashed it to 6.1 of corse , and i even tried flashing the same custom rom i used on the phone i lost ,thinking it could help but no the same thing occurs but now its rather annoying when i'm in a hurry trying to do something or need to send an email or search something and cant . especially if i get a text . then that opens and it freezes but i know it works because the hard keys work if i necessarily have to move back to the home screen or hit the end key to close something really quick or i have to wait . with the backlight off again . so i even took it apart and changed the screen with a known working phone , that i found but it was reported lost so i cant use it supposebly . if anyone can help with that i'd be happy , but the one i found is scuffed up but it works and actually can scroll , i switched the screen to the working phone , and that phone works with my old screen , so i know its not the screen . i really believe its hardware , . i also notice it , during flashing , my old phone that i lost the l.e.d. on top that shoes charge would be on during the flash or even connected to sync . one the used one i through my money away to during the unlocking phase , the l.e.d. isnt even on but the colors are on the screen and shows percentage while loading roms. thats my other reason why i think its that . but if anyone has any suggestions , to what i can do with it while i have it that would be great . every since testing and using it , i havent even takin the time to put any phone numbers or anything in it because its not working right and i'm on the hunt for a perfectly working touch or a brand new one. as to see i cant trust online used ones i'll never know it works till i get my hands on it and use it for 2 days. i noticed someone talking about esn repair . think you pm me so i dont say anything bad . i'd like to use the one i found with bad esn . then i wont have to spend any money and could just swap casing due to scuffs but internally its a working touch thats used . i've tried calling the person that lost the phone, and they wont answer numbers they dont know it seems like , i've even left messages . sprint says i have to get him to come with me to a sprint store and verify are identification before i could turn it on legally under sprint in my name, other than that . i have two touches i'd like to use . ones broke , and one the lost esn is reported , can someone through idea to use the touch with the bad esn .
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2009, 12:19 AM
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Re: alignment and screen stops

I think you have a pm.
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