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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 05:15 PM
shadywayproductions's Avatar
Pocket PC: Touch Pro 2
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Cool Can someone help me out please?

So I retired my mogul after many many hours of great fun/service to my new TP2.

I'd like if someone could either point me in the right direction or help me directly :

My mogul is going to be the new toy for my jeep, so all I really need is a empty and fast rom that is finger friendly.
All I plan on using it for is a mp3 player and a gps and maybe a quick browser for the net if i spot a wifi network while i'm out.

I am not going to have any actual service to this device so i'm not using it as a phone or for txting or anything like that.

Curently it has the most up to date stock sprint rom on it but id like to loose it and find something that really works well.

If someone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.
~Thank you for your time~
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