Originally Posted by Maxx134
I'm on 21916, very strange. Issues with radio on fresh install nothing added.
pressing Voicemail on CHT actually calls another family member.
I never selected, but when my phone was acting erractic, my number was hidden to caller.
I am becoming convinced that most battery Issues must be in the area of how Energy cooks his rom in the phone settings..(GSM&CDMA)
No matter how many builds and versions this issue persists on some users.
I think it because I used PIM backup BEFORE I installed sprint cab.
Gona reflash & try again
Another surprise, but good:
Sense more stable.
No "Application Data" on storage card.
Running as a test overclocking at previously unattainable speed!
I could never stay at 768Mhz more than a minute without Sense freeze...
Now Im running steady at 768Mhz! Woohoo!
Strange how its running smooth now, but still even without overclock it was eating more battery than last Build..
I dunno if you were talking about me but if so, your mistaken I never said anything about being so Slow. Mayby you should retrace to see who quoted that I am curious as I never read that.
Lot's of stuff here, thanks. First, yes... :>)) was downloading, installing & putting your "NEW" cab in my Sashimi cab list... & posting at the same time... HA! Names were too close!
1st section: You're the first I've heard with those issues. Although I swear when I put my phone on speaker phone is sometimes puts itself on mute. Redownload & reflash?
2nd: battery, ROM cook: I'd add OS build, seems the 23127 (1,

entire series was at least 2 times as good for me.
"Sense more stable." Agreed, my OC is up 2! my thoughts for the day post echos many of the same...
Originally Posted by solidgun
This is the fastest working ROM I have used so far. Too bad about not having voice command option, but that is the only complaint I can make about this ROM thus far. Thanks.
Originally Posted by outbackpaul
Is there a way to add the voice command to a rom?
Originally Posted by KIOWA69
Probably don't want to use that one, may work... real old, may cause issues, check my sig for all voice stuff, MANY newer
Voice, speech, Bing, Tellme, MS Voice Command
Originally Posted by t-bob
Originally Posted by thewahlrus
I saw this a while ago but because of your post just decided to try it now. I settle at 90 mb free. However I have a couple of questions about your post.
Those two statements right there. Are you saying map the start menu replacement to windows hardkey? I can't, program is nowhere to be found.
Also what popup icon? did I miss something?
**edit** also, i like my X button. I used the cab from here to re enable X button (it's only there when program a program is open).
YES, VERY COOL 90 MB!!! 10 days ago, we were all crying about running out of memory & now I'm at 90???!!! This is CRAZY... Strongly feel this is the biggest thing to hit since OC!
In order of hugeness (word?) on the TP2 IMO.
1. Android
2. Over Clocking
3. This startmenu replacement. NO MORE RAM issues!!!
Had to post this here to ensure the gang saw this... just unreal... won't be for all, as some are not as adventurous... but after all the zillions of posts about memory... this just takes the cake!
Re. your 2 Qs
Agreed, thought it would be easy, I couldn't find either... I'm using NRG tools/xbutton settings to map win key press to the task mgr right now, but will probably install magic button.
QUICK MENU (not magic... use to use magic also, but below description is quick)
I use to use that for the TP1 & was amazing, I almost never went into the winkey settings... don't know why I stopped using it.. provides phenomenal quick access to start & settings, perfect sub here. So I'll probably map winkey to magic button & long press win key to the xtask task manager someone post a couple pages ago, installed looks nice!!
Re. the X button, in the post I put the link to the paper clip, everytime I try it that cab breaks my sense & won't load. BTW TIP: If your hosed on sense reboot w/ keyboard out & often you can recover... I've found however, that the back arrow hard key does almost the exact same!! never really used it before, until Android.
That button?
I ran the xbutton & startmenu enabler cab, but aborted install at the last second & after the abort is when I noticed it, worked great.. after a reboot.. gone???
A few minor details to work out... back arrow instead of x.. a couple positioning things... Can't believe the RAM!! I may even reburn & go to 16 page pool! (or more)
OCMan StartMenu Replacement,