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Old 06-20-2010, 10:57 PM
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To Droid 2, or not to Droid 2; that is the question.

OK, so I'm still rockin' my faithful Touch Pro2 (like it's been out that long), and have been "eager" to switch to Android for sometime now. I would have a hell of a time dropping my physical keyboard, so I think I'm ruling out the Droid X for the lack of a keyboard, and size in general. Put it this way, my history is XV6600 --> XV6700 --> XV6800 --> Touch Pro2.

My NE2 obviously (since the TP2 came out in Sept 09) isn't up until May 2011, but I'm not too worried about that whole $50 thing. If was a still $100, I might wait.

So, here's how I see it:

1. Keep my trusty Touch Pro2 until May 2011, at which point (according to Verizon) there will be "up to 5" LTE handsets available.

2. Go for the Droid 2 now, and upgrade to one of those LTE devices a year later, since Verizon will allow you to get 2 year pricing with their "Annual Upgrade" policy.

3. Hold out and see if HTC is going to bring a QWERTY to the table at some point in the next few months. The Touch Pro2 is fading in and out of stock at, and there's no way you can tell me that HTC is going to be out of the QWERTY market with Verizon for the first time in 6+ years, but we're also not hearing anything rumored. Other than the Scorpion (aka Olympian) of course, but no mention of a QWERTY. I will admit that I am actually am a fan of Sense.

4. Wait until Q4 to see what some of these "superphones" look like (1.5ghz, 2ghz, etc), but there's no guarantee any of them would be LTE capable, which is why I think making the switch to Android now, would be better considering I should have a decent choice in LTE devices by the end of next summer.

Anyway, curious for your input, but I'll be curious to see what (if anything) is revealed about the Droid 2 on Wednesday. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if this was a Droid X event, since I'm sure Moto doesn't want to hurt sales of the Droid 1 with 2ish months until the Droid 2 release.
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