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  #301 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 05:18 PM
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Re: [APP][12/19/2009] TouchOne 0.2a released - (WVGA/VGA/QVGA/WQVGA)

First off I would like to say this is an awesome program!

My only problem is finding that 'Text' and 'Email' icon as well. What program do you use (Dehx) for texting and email?

To help fuzzybabybunny,

You can go in your file explorer to /window/start menu. Copy the 'Phone'. then go to /windows/start menu/programs and paste it (not 'paste shortcut'). So now you should have a Phone icon in the /windows/start menu/programs folder. You can do the same thing with Contacts, Calender, and Messaging.

You need to do this because TouchOne reads the applications from the Start Menu. So if you put those shortcuts in the start menu/programs folder.

For some reason 'refresh applications' isn't working for me. So if you're having the same problem. You can change themes, then change back to your preferred theme. And that will update your icons and applications.
HTC Touch Pro. Mighty 6.5 ROM. Works perfect.

Last edited by Ghettobob; 12-20-2009 at 05:44 PM.
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  #302 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 11:18 PM
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Re: [APP][12/19/2009] TouchOne 0.2a released - (WVGA/VGA/QVGA/WQVGA)

Originally Posted by Ghettobob View Post
First off I would like to say this is an awesome program!

My only problem is finding that 'Text' and 'Email' icon as well. What program do you use (Dehx) for texting and email?

To help fuzzybabybunny,

You can go in your file explorer to /window/start menu. Copy the 'Phone'. then go to /windows/start menu/programs and paste it (not 'paste shortcut'). So now you should have a Phone icon in the /windows/start menu/programs folder. You can do the same thing with Contacts, Calender, and Messaging.

You need to do this because TouchOne reads the applications from the Start Menu. So if you put those shortcuts in the start menu/programs folder.

For some reason 'refresh applications' isn't working for me. So if you're having the same problem. You can change themes, then change back to your preferred theme. And that will update your icons and applications.
If you are trying to add application shortcuts to the Custom screens, read the FAQ & User Guide at www.dehx.net

Originally Posted by fuzzybabybunny View Post
Ok, reporting back on my problems with not being able to find the icons for phone, text, etc.

Sprint HTC Touch Pro 2, ROM 1.21.651.3 stock, WM 6.1

I did a hard reset of the phone, installed TouchOne as the first thing I did, and I *still* couldn't find the icons in any of the application screens. I mean, the system is really cut and dry and I'm not sure how I could have overlooked anything. Maybe I should be running a 6.5 ROM?
I am using Mighty Rom, and that is what he named the SMS and Email icons... Your rom or stock rom may be different. I'll look into this, on making it easier for people to get those specific icons.

Originally Posted by fjgotgame24 View Post
tried this out dehx...its pretty slick, but im more excited about the potential of this. However I did have on question, probably stupid lol. I dont know why but once I enter that widget screen where I can check calendar, mypix and clock, I cant find a way to get out of it. I press back button, end call button but it just stays on that screen. Obv no biggie as I can uncheck and check to get out of the screen but it would be nice to just kinda get in n out with at least the back or end call button..no?
Too true, in my haste I overlooked that. Thats why I am so grateful to the community, and people like you having a look and telling me what is great and what sucks. I'll put this in in my next bugfix build, which will be soon.

Originally Posted by fjgotgame24 View Post
Also, a lil request/question, I was wondering if you had thought about maybe utilizing the left/right AND up/down pages as the main screens by adding stuff from a program list, like the manila program launcher. It would just be really neat to completely customize all screens in everydirection to the users liking. On top of that, if you could personalize the background on each page that would be simply amazing, i mean i would purchase something like that ina heartbeat!

I support all ur work 100% and really appreciate it...I wish more ppl would focus there attention on developing ui's like this instead of trying to create something thats never going to be complete. For example, im no expert on phones but too me it just seems 2.5 is really a waste of time. I mean it looks great, feels decent, but probably not as good as it does on the very capable leo. And i understand the forums is to try new things out and really explore the possibilities but damnnn can we get something that works?? Sorry to waste space but theres no complaining section lol... DEHX ITS ALL ON UUU!!!!

Originally Posted by rgutta View Post
Sorry. After installing the cabs I did not rebooted the phone. After reboot it is working. My feed back

1) It is Great.
2) faster and slick. Thanks for your efforts.

I removed the program. Reasons are
1) On today screen weather pannel next alaram info missing and I am not able to move from big weather pannel to small date time.
2) I am not able to see my calander entrys on Today screen.
3) The Gap between icons are not enough. For example for big name icons, email count, calander counts. Ilike 4 rows bit I cons need are not fitting properly in that particuler slot.
4) The date on Calander icon is showing wrong date.
5) few features are missing from original rom. I need them.
a) Music tab (I tried the htc music but it is not working like before)
b) Ability to add calander entrys on today screen
c) weather Tab
d) Stocks Tab
e) clicking on contacts Icon taking too all contacts which is good but I don't know how to get favorite people list.
f)clicking on email icon taking me to all email accounts page from there I have to select my email account. Also I would like the preview of my email message when I select email icon.

Because of the above reasons I was back to original program.
Finally what I need is some functionality like contoling the weather panel from today screen ability and add shortcuts to differnt pages from your program some features from htc original program.

I will check again your next version.

Again. Thanks for your efforts. I strongly suggest this program to people who are not using email, calander music, stocks.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into improving most of these in the near future, look for a future build that you may like better. Also, the Calendar icon, is merely an Icon, the "16" on it is just decoration I believe... not sure, I didn't make then,. I just put them in

Be sure to hop over to www.dehx.net and read the FAQ & User Guide.. there may be some things you missed.

Originally Posted by mariosx View Post
great, great GREAT job

runs great on ACER F900

1 observation: when i go to the location settings in hero clock widget, and try to set the location, if i press cancel, it doesn't go away.

1 question: It doesn't accept the location i'm putting. Where are the weather information is being downloaded from ? so i can see the location codes . Or if someone knows to tell me how to enter Athens in Greece :P . i've put "athens, GR", "Athinai, GR" "Ath, GR" "Athens, Greece" and more, but nothing seems to work :P
In testing, it didn't work fo me either. I am using Yahoo! weather service for the weather. I'll get back to you, or fix it in a future version.
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  #303 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2009, 01:37 AM
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Re: [APP][12/19/2009] TouchOne 0.2a released - (WVGA/VGA/QVGA/WQVGA)

i have an omnia 2 with spb 3.5.1 and i cant figure out how to get this to work...i did already have net frame 3.5 so i installed the sdkcerts then the touchone and when i go to switch it on i get an error but then i restart and it starts up but there is nothing on the home page...then i try to add a widget and nothing shows up....the background image is there but no clock or anything and i cant figure it out....
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  #304 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2009, 02:06 AM
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Re: [APP][12/19/2009] TouchOne 0.2a released - (WVGA/VGA/QVGA/WQVGA)

Originally Posted by jpen View Post
i have an omnia 2 with spb 3.5.1 and i cant figure out how to get this to work...i did already have net frame 3.5 so i installed the sdkcerts then the touchone and when i go to switch it on i get an error but then i restart and it starts up but there is nothing on the home page...then i try to add a widget and nothing shows up....the background image is there but no clock or anything and i cant figure it out....
When you hit settings>manage widgets it will go back to the main screen you hold on a desired place on the screen and it will be placed.

Read up on his user guide pretty self explanatory.
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  #305 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2009, 02:08 AM
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Re: [APP][12/19/2009] TouchOne 0.2a released - (WVGA/VGA/QVGA/WQVGA)

Originally Posted by jpen View Post
i have an omnia 2 with spb 3.5.1 and i cant figure out how to get this to work...i did already have net frame 3.5 so i installed the sdkcerts then the touchone and when i go to switch it on i get an error but then i restart and it starts up but there is nothing on the home page...then i try to add a widget and nothing shows up....the background image is there but no clock or anything and i cant figure it out....
Originally Posted by Eggroll822 View Post
When you hit settings>manage widgets it will go back to the main screen you hold on a desired place on the screen and it will be placed.

Read up on his user guide pretty self explanatory.

As EggRoll said... when you download the software, click the link that says FAQ & User Guide, it will pretty much answer all your questions.
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  #306 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2009, 02:16 AM
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Re: [APP][12/19/2009] TouchOne 0.2a released - (WVGA/VGA/QVGA/WQVGA)

Regarding the calendar...I used to have iphone today and i had an icon that had a number on it too n wouldnt show current date. But then i found an icon that was blank calendar w no numbers on it. n then allowed the date to appear on the empty calendar icon. im not saying itll work for sure but just a thought.
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  #307 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2009, 02:49 AM
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Cool Re: [APP][12/19/2009] TouchOne 0.2a released - (WVGA/VGA/QVGA/WQVGA)

trying new version

seems calendar Page is not very quick to change from a month to another

Bug on picture Page when the last Pic is displayed (no bottom bar to go Next/Previous)

(i'm running on a TouchPro)

Very good job , I have to take a look to widgets now

For info (for all others : weather update is well if we are Wifi Connected , not ActivSync, probably already mentionned )
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  #308 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2009, 10:51 AM
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Re: [APP][12/19/2009] TouchOne 0.2a released - (WVGA/VGA/QVGA/WQVGA)

Originally Posted by dehx View Post
In testing, it didn't work fo me either. I am using Yahoo! weather service for the weather. I'll get back to you, or fix it in a future version.
I tried it with european cities. No success.
I input the same like in the Yahoo widget "Yahoo Weather"
No way.

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  #309 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2009, 11:02 AM
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Omnia i900 Touchone 0.2a

I have TouchOne running on my Omnia. Managed to get shortcuts on my homescreen. DIDN´T manage to get the usuall `widgets` for email-sms-voicemail/missed calls on the homescreen...


(i did read the faq/manuall!)

Maybe i am just stupid?

ps: Omnia has Windows Mobile 6.1 on it. There is an app (tmail) which will take me directly to "outlook" on the phone but that is just part off what i want. I want to see how many new mails/sms/missed calls i have....
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  #310 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2009, 11:39 AM
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Re: Omnia i900 Touchone 0.2a

Originally Posted by pbecks1963 View Post
I have TouchOne running on my Omnia. Managed to get shortcuts on my homescreen. DIDN´T manage to get the usuall `widgets` for email-sms-voicemail/missed calls on the homescreen...


(i did read the faq/manuall!)

Maybe i am just stupid?

ps: Omnia has Windows Mobile 6.1 on it. There is an app (tmail) which will take me directly to "outlook" on the phone but that is just part off what i want. I want to see how many new mails/sms/missed calls i have....
Please go a few sides back, I think, Ghettobob wrote about this.
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