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  #541 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2010, 10:24 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Originally Posted by nerys View Post
??? its not a performance thing. its a won't load period thing
If you installed .net 3.5 then uninstall it. You'll probably need a custom rom if you cant get .net 3.5 to work. And i dont recommend downloading .net from XDA go to microsofts site and download it and install via active sync. If that doesnt work try a custom rom.

Last edited by JQuill; 10-11-2010 at 10:27 PM.
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  #542 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2010, 10:31 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

I have not been able to use CHT on my pro2 . Installed 1.8 and 2.0beta neither worked for me . CHT editor installed fine but CHT said installed successfully but never showed up in my start menu . dunno why . had installed sdk certs and net framework 3.5 . also when installing I unchecked the sense . Had to do a hard reset to clear app .

Any Ideas ?
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  #543 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2010, 11:25 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Originally Posted by JQuill View Post
If you installed .net 3.5 then uninstall it. You'll probably need a custom rom if you cant get .net 3.5 to work. And i dont recommend downloading .net from XDA go to microsofts site and download it and install via active sync. If that doesnt work try a custom rom.
Oh no its working fine for the most part on my sprint TP2 its my T-Mobile TP2 where its not working so well (at all)

apparently the stock t-mobile 6.5 rom does NOT have 3.5 installed (hence the error I got in chte)

now that I do have it installed CHTE runs fine but I never see CHT for some reason. I am going to try reinstalling it and see what happens.

Zee33 I am NO expert but I think your problem is unchecking sense since cht USES sense.

in fact how DO I check to make sure this tmo rom is using sense?

Last edited by nerys; 10-11-2010 at 11:29 PM.
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  #544 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2010, 11:43 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Originally Posted by nerys View Post
??? its not a performance thing. its a won't load period thing
Reinstall CHT. since you did not have the required component pre installed, as recommended, as of CHT 2.0.
Now that it's installed, I suggest a clean install of CHT.
These odd issues did not occur for me, even on a slower device, all through the testing stages. The few times I did have an issue, I usually caused it, or it has been fixed since.
Make sure to have the latest CHT Editor installed and the quicklink fix from the first page, under known issues and fixes.

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  #545 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2010, 11:45 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Originally Posted by nerys View Post
Oh no its working fine for the most part on my sprint TP2 its my T-Mobile TP2 where its not working so well (at all)

apparently the stock t-mobile 6.5 rom does NOT have 3.5 installed (hence the error I got in chte)

now that I do have it installed CHTE runs fine but I never see CHT for some reason. I am going to try reinstalling it and see what happens.

Zee33 I am NO expert but I think your problem is unchecking sense since cht USES sense.

in fact how DO I check to make sure this tmo rom is using sense?
Start/Settings/Home Make sure HTC Sense is selected
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  #546 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 12:10 AM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Ok for me its start settings TODAY then items sub tab and yes only thing selected is "HTC Sense"

running the reinstall now santod

My bad on the borked install since my sprint rom came with 3.5 I assumed the tmo one would as well

Got it for $40 I plan to basically just use it as a GPS with the garmin software (if I can get the gps to work without a sim card that is hehe

Last edited by nerys; 10-12-2010 at 12:15 AM.
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  #547 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2010, 12:34 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

I will try to explain what I am wanting to do as simply as possible...Is there a way to have the 1 row of quicklinks icons on the main page then when I swipe left or right to have a full page of quicklinks on those? Everytime I try it it then sets the main page to a full set of quicklinks behind everything else(the clock,weather,notifications).
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  #548 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2010, 12:42 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

hopefully this is just "beta issues" and I imagine they will be fixed in the final but a few more "bugs"

this beta is very "unstable" and gets more unstable the longer you run it. Changing icons spontaneously.

also another issue where when you swipe left and right to get to different quicklinks.

sometimes it gets "stuck" half way. and swipes left and right from that point work but from this "half way stuck" position.

so on the main page (home OR 4x4 QL's) you only see the RIGHT 2 columns on the left side of the screen (and the right side is empty)

when you swipe right to see the left set you only see the RIGHT 2 columns if you swipe while holding down you can expose the hidden left 2 columns but as soon as you release it snaps back to showing only half.

Have to reboot the device to clear that up. SOMETIMES swiping up and down will clear it up. Seems hit or miss and totally random though.

it is also (at least on the STOCK sprint rom) far far slower and laggier than 1.8.5 not unusably slow but very annoyingly slow (I only have the home screen and the quick links. no other panes activates and only the unanimated "weather addon widget" installed.

When it happens again and if I have a camera handy I will try to record a video to show more clearly what its doing.

Keep up the great work!
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  #549 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 05:48 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Moving quicklinks issue ...

... can a "lock" be implemented? Maybe the file(s) representing these links can be set to "read only?"

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  #550 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 06:53 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

This effect is now permanent. even on initial bootup.

YouTube - CHT 2 Beta Quicklinks issue
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