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  #341 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 06:54 AM
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Re: WM6.5 for HTC Titan Build 23518/21887 *UPDATE*

Somewhere, build 28205 is mentioned. Where do we get hold of it?
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  #342 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 11:08 AM
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Re: WM6.5 for HTC Titan Build 23518/21887 *UPDATE*

If I do not install a carrier cab, I can install some cabs and some not. Opera Mobile 10 beta cab does not install. Marketplace works.

If I install the carrier cab (DCD QWest) all cabs are installed. But Marketplace ceases to work, even with .5.3.0.

I am in India, and as such I do not need a carrier cab. Anybody, please help on what the carrier cab does to allow uninhibited software installation?

Last edited by shubhanyu; 01-16-2010 at 11:30 AM.
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  #343 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 09:14 AM
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Re: WM6.5 for HTC Titan Build 23518/21887 *UPDATE*

Originally Posted by shubhanyu View Post
If I do not install a carrier cab, I can install some cabs and some not. Opera Mobile 10 beta cab does not install. Marketplace works.

If I install the carrier cab (DCD QWest) all cabs are installed. But Marketplace ceases to work, even with .5.3.0.

I am in India, and as such I do not need a carrier cab. Anybody, please help on what the carrier cab does to allow uninhibited software installation?
Not sure what thats all about, maybe some programs need to see you have a data connection before it installs. I don't use Opera, nor have I tried to install a program before my carrier cab.
ROM: Android Ver 2.2
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  #344 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 01:18 PM
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Re: WM6.5 for HTC Titan Build 23518/21887 *UPDATE*

Alright, so as my post count indicates, I'm a complete noob when it comes to toying with my phone. Naturally, I'm going to take the plunge and upgrade it to WM6.5 as my intro to something other than stock settings. The process is a little daunting, so I want to make sure I've got it down pat before I start.

I have a Bell HTC 6800, with both a ROM and radio that appear to be greatly out of date (2.13.666.0 and 1.37.00, respectively). It's completely stock, in exactly the condition it came out of the box.

Step 0: Back up my contacts via ActiveSync
Step 1: Unlock the phone (via GAMedic's thread that the OP linked on p1)
Step 2: Install GPS-enabled radio, via instructions on above thread. His SD card method seems safest. This will stop the phone from booting fully, because the radio isn't compatible with my stock ROM.
Step 3: Flash jmartin72's WM6.5 ROM. Build 28014 Bare Bones. Flash it via instructions in above thread, either by SD method (if I can find a under 4GB SD card) or via RUU (if I can't). Assume I can jump right to flashing, as the linked ROM has already been built (?)
Step 4: Somehow my carrier CAB needs to be installed. How or when, I'm not quite clear on.
Step 5: Perform a hard reset
Step 6: Panic if my phone can't authenticate with Bell, then follow the Verizon users instruction for a new Akey.

Presumably I might want to write down any critical in-phone information first, like my ESN. Am I missing any steps or necessary data, aside from what to do with the carrier CAB?
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  #345 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 08:28 AM
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Re: WM6.5 for HTC Titan Build 23518/21887 *UPDATE*

I have been running the 23518 build for about 2 weeks now and I really pleased. The task manager (and I haven't tried to add one) missing is about the only thing I have been upset with. Good JOB..

Finger friendly and Office 2010 (I got addicted to it on my Win7x64 machine so why not here as well) sold me on this build number.

BUT, I do have one question that people in this thread might know. I can't find the "big" differences between these 235xx and 280xx builds?

Is the UI the same, finger friendly, new contact stuff, Titanium home screen? Is it only the Office 2010 that is different? Just confused and not sure on the subtleties...

The only thing I have seen:
  • On soft reset, my old DCD 4.1.2 (think I ran that for 8+ months) build info is still in the lower right of the screen. Your info starts on the top left
  • Also on soft reset, the sprint animation... really?? Wonder if there is a generic Windows one you want to use since the flash is now carrier free. (yes, from a verizon person).
Also haven't found a good dialer for this. The one mentioned in the Mattism thread locks up on me like PdG's did under 4.1.2. I assume they are based on the same backbone. Phone Canvas I loved, but it just doesn't work right on these builds. Really the only think I don't like on this stock dialer is the numbers are to small for my fat fingers.

Thanks again for your builds for the ol' titan community.
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  #346 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 08:56 AM
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Re: WM6.5 for HTC Titan Build 23518/21887 *UPDATE*

Yeah ... it's good to know that Titan's support is still not dead!
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  #347 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 09:49 AM
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Re: WM6.5 for HTC Titan Build 23518/21887 *UPDATE*

Originally Posted by tschwenke View Post
I have been running the 23518 build for about 2 weeks now and I really pleased. The task manager (and I haven't tried to add one) missing is about the only thing I have been upset with. Good JOB..

Finger friendly and Office 2010 (I got addicted to it on my Win7x64 machine so why not here as well) sold me on this build number.

BUT, I do have one question that people in this thread might know. I can't find the "big" differences between these 235xx and 280xx builds?

Is the UI the same, finger friendly, new contact stuff, Titanium home screen? Is it only the Office 2010 that is different? Just confused and not sure on the subtleties...

The only thing I have seen:
  • On soft reset, my old DCD 4.1.2 (think I ran that for 8+ months) build info is still in the lower right of the screen. Your info starts on the top left
  • Also on soft reset, the sprint animation... really?? Wonder if there is a generic Windows one you want to use since the flash is now carrier free. (yes, from a verizon person).
Also haven't found a good dialer for this. The one mentioned in the Mattism thread locks up on me like PdG's did under 4.1.2. I assume they are based on the same backbone. Phone Canvas I loved, but it just doesn't work right on these builds. Really the only think I don't like on this stock dialer is the numbers are to small for my fat fingers.

Thanks again for your builds for the ol' titan community.


Above is a link to a post that explains the different COM builds.
hope it helps. Thanks for pointing out the sprint animation. Now that I cook carrier free, you guys on other carriers don't want to see a Sprint splash screen. I promise from this day forward I will not post anymore builds with a sprint animation screen. As for the Phone canvas, look around you can find tons to download and install.
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  #348 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 03:29 PM
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Re: WM6.5 for HTC Titan Build 23518/21887 *UPDATE*

Originally Posted by jmartin72 View Post
Not sure what thats all about, maybe some programs need to see you have a data connection before it installs. I don't use Opera, nor have I tried to install a program before my carrier cab.
Don't know what happened... a hard reset fixed it all up.
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  #349 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 03:33 PM
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Re: WM6.5 for HTC Titan Build 23518/21887 *UPDATE*

Originally Posted by shubhanyu View Post
Don't know what happened... a hard reset fixed it all up.
Glad to hear it!
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  #350 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 03:35 PM
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Re: WM6.5 for HTC Titan Build 23518/21887 *UPDATE*

I get a feeling that 23518 is newer than 28014? I see that 28014 is not having Pocket Outlook 2010 nor am I able to install it from the cabinet file. i get the error "version not supported" and I do not know what to do. Installing Office 2010 beta from Marketplace doesn't seem to update POutlook.

Your barebones is fantastic and I don't wish to leave this just for PO... It is more like what I used to cook for myself in the 6.1 days. If you had a donation link, your work makes me to.....

Now we know why most of MS copies are pirated...people are so pissed, they don't want to pay! Only a happy customer will promptly pay up his hard earned dollars.

Last edited by shubhanyu; 01-20-2010 at 03:39 PM.
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