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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2008, 06:10 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

Theres a lot of info in this thread and I wanted to make CERTAIN I fully understood the essence of this thread.

As it stands today 5/2/2008; anyone with a stock ROM from HTC or through their carrier, ie the sprint ROM 3.35 that has EVDO A and GPS enabled can use the new Oli 2.4 bootloader/unlocker and flash a custom ROM and reflash the 3.35 ROM but CAN NOT go back to a previous stock Bootloader/ROM and relock the phone as was possible before 3.16 or 3.17 (whichever) ROM that activated the GPS.

Also, currently, any attempt to step backwards to pre-GPS bootloader and ROMs on phones with activated GPS ROMS (ie Sprint 3.35), so the phone can be relocked to try to handle warranty issues, bricks the phone.

Is this an accurate assessment of the situation as of this date?

By the way, all you guys providing the tools, expertise and forums absolutely rock!

Deepest respect and regards for your talented efforts.

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  #112 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2008, 08:45 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

Thanks for summarizing this. That's what I've gleaned as well, and would also appreciate the confirmation.

I'd be happy if I could even get the stock bootloader to display, if nothing else does .
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  #113 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2008, 08:14 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

Hi all,
My HTC Mogul says:


Same screen like above.

I need help to fix this problem, please.

Last edited by zaasrvr; 05-07-2008 at 08:57 PM.
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  #114 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2008, 10:19 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

Originally Posted by zaasrvr View Post

Hi all,
My HTC Mogul says:


Same screen like above.

I need help to fix this problem, please.

you have the same problem as me. come over to my thread. i'm hoping somebody can help us:

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  #115 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2008, 07:06 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN View Post
From the creator of the wm5 "upgrades" for the wm6 Titan comes a relocker to undo the Hard-SPL.

This is compatible with windows XP, please do not use on Vista at this time (unless you are sure you have modaco drivers installed)!

This program will flash a stock 1.06 bootloader to your device to remove the Hard-SPL. In general if you don't understand exactly what this is doing it probably is not for you. It does not give you any additional features, but it might make you feel more comfortable if you are getting warranty work done.

Run the exe and follow EVERY step of the instructions and you should be good to go. If you get stuck in bootloader with vista read the stuck in bootloader thread for links to different drivers. Other then that the standard disable USB in activesync will allow the included exit bootloader program to work.

Thanks go to Olipro for the help with the original Hard-SPL, I also used his modification to the Pof JumpSPL for the loader.
Thanks to Colonel and Luv2chill for testing and helping to clear up my poor instructions

and the link:

Titan_Relocker.exe is still on the FTP, but i removed this link because i want to make something abundantly clear first:
(see sig for more info)


Has run fine on Vista for myself and others, but it might be good to have an xp box too

USB must work for this to flash, if you are worried about USB issues you should run this before it becomes a problem.

Make sure you are comfortable with exit bootloader steps first (disabling USB activesync and making sure you have the right drivers if in vista)

Flashing a rom will also exit bootloader and can be done from the 3 color screen.

CPLD-9 is just part of the stock 1.06 bl (from sprint 2.16) do not be worried by that. Also RUUNBH in top right corner will go away next time you enter BL
HI, im stuck on the tri colour scene dispaying TITA100 SPL-1.20.Olipro. Will this file fix my problem, how do i run this file, since active sync nolonger connects. And is there a link to download the file
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  #116 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2008, 06:44 AM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

The tri color screen is bootloader, try the Stuck in TITAN bootloader thread.

For those that want more info on why i took the relocker link away from here check this thread from the Vogue forum:

It has slightly different version numbers, but the principles are the same
Note: 3 Color screen is stuck in bootloader NOT "bricked"; just flash a stock rom exe
Touch Custom rom unlocker
Undoing advances in Mogul's since 2007. Titan ReLocker, WM5 roms (don't use w/ gps radio): Telus, TNZ

Last edited by ImCoKeMaN; 05-09-2008 at 06:47 AM.
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  #117 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2008, 11:41 AM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

I"m doing sprint's 30day exchange. I'll just reflash stock rom leaving the 2.4 booloader there and hopefully no issues will arise. Maybe they'll leave it which will make the phone that much better for the next guy.
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  #118 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2008, 07:07 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

IMCOKE, let me get this straight. Right now, I've got the PPCKitchen No2Chem 5060 Rom on my phone, with the 3.35.04 radio, and my phone is having weird screen problems. So I take it in to a store (knowing full well that I'm running a voided warranty phone) and they tell me they don't have them in stock, but will just ship me a new one. So I have to fedex my old one in when this new one comes.

I have the MFG 2.4 bootloader (and a cloned ESN, as a matter of fact, but that's sort of irrelevant,) and I don't want them to charge me if they deem that my warranty was voided, so if I now try to downgrade to the vzw stock rom (2.09, with whatever the first radio that came out was,) my phone will become a brick, correct?

How detectable is the issue once the phone becomes bricked? Because if I can guarantee an unsalvagable brick, I'm down with that, since I just have to return a phone that isn't running the 3.35 radio.
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  #119 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2008, 07:11 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

Option 2 is to pray that in the next week (that's the timeframe I have to return my old phone) VZW releases a 3.35 rom. Infinitely unlikely.

Option 3 is to flash rom 2.09 with no radio, and see what sort of weird incompatibility I run in to, with the prayer that whomever ****s with my phone at tech support doesn't look past the device version on the boot screen (lol)
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  #120 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2008, 01:06 AM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option


In this thread, everyone claims they reverted from a GPS rom to the stock VZW rom sans problem. Impossible, I say, but?
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