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kendubya 05-16-2010 12:36 AM

Is my omnia a dinosaur?
So my Omnia runs great. It just works. But I'm now finding software updates (Bing, Google Maps) that just won't work. Bing tells me my device isn't supported and shuts down and Google with voice bugs out after three voice inquiries. WTF? I feel like I've got no choice but to dump a perfectly good device to upgrade software. bogus...any thoughts?

EDIT- Dropped it on a droid x yesterday. I have a shrine built to my omnia...and my apache. All those old smart?phones that are so many dead soldiers, thought of with great fondness during moments of reminiscing.

I'm sorry, I told myself not to become melancholy.

Android here I come.

voyageurs60 05-16-2010 01:52 PM

Re: Is my omnia a dinosaur?
did you try a hard reset? I am running the VZ standard software and none of these issues... WM 6.3 I believe it is.. not aware of an official update to WM 6.5 - these are available by cooked ROMS's - I am afraid to try that stuff and brick the phone...

txter 05-17-2010 05:55 PM

Re: Is my omnia a dinosaur?
bing has always given me a problem. im on a cooked 6.5.1 rom but ive been through so many roms ive lost count. bing location has never worked. for some reason it thinks im in Africa or something. google was giveing me a problem. i uninstalled and ran sktools to clean up the dead folders and reinstaled the newest version. havent had any problems so far.
...and yes..it is an old phone by todays standards...things move fast. a phone thats a year old, is old. i love mine and im waithing for WP7...lets see what hits the market before that does.

nitrous9200 05-17-2010 08:08 PM

Re: Is my omnia a dinosaur?
The GSM Omnia i900 was released about two years ago. The CDMA i910 is about six months behind that, so in Nov 08, our model will be two years old. Still works well for me, even if it doesn't have all the bells and whistles. The newest Bing doesn't work but maybe some knowledgeable person will be able to work around that (I just wanted to try out the turn by turn directions which apparently won't work on VZW but I'm running a custom rom). The custom rom I have seems to not work well with Google Maps, but the stock software does.

choperthedog 05-20-2010 07:56 PM

Re: Is my omnia a dinosaur?
Clean and reflash. I am not interested in bing (iGO is great) did not like gmaps 4 anyway lot slower went back to I f*cked with my phone too much and it got slow and stupid so going from CC20 to DC22. It is refrshing.

Things I notice with DC22.

1. I.E. is still a slow piece of crap but scrolling is nice now. I prefer Ucweb 7 anyway.
2. Taking a photo and hitting send mms within the camera returns no errors. even with pic at 2560 x 1920.
3. Cell triangulation within Google maps is sweet (VZW was only a few years behind on this one).
4. GPS lock within 30 seconds in iGO and Google maps without Gps gate or any other app.

Things I notice with just cleaning and rebuilding

1. Touch pal doesn't just disappear while I'm typing.
2. WAD2 doesn't freeze when I receive a text/email/mms. been 4 days and wad2 has not froze yet. (knock knock)
3. Everything has pep to it with no delay.
4. No errors on soft-reset (something could not be started because a critical bla bla bla).
5. When I hit button to wake the device up. It does.
6. Screen is much clearer.
7. Battery life. I am at 70% after a normal day of calls, surfing, and texting with weather panel and active sync doing their thing every 30 minutes. Before cleaning WP/AS were set for every hour and after a normal day I would have been at 40% or it would be beeping.

So now I have a phone with.
WAD2 and no other lock screens WAD has a fine one, Touchpal, SMSChat, Youtube app, Midomi, UCweb7, Gmaps, iGO, Core player, s2p, Rotation Service, Touch Responce and a couple non flash games uno, yahtzee, teeter. And everyone is happy.

I see no need for Flash or Java. I could care less if it says "no service" in s2p. And for some reason I also don't need to use SIP change anymore it just stays on touch pal now. Also I am done with task bars, boot and shutdown screens and any other goofy sh!t.

It's now a phone with some cool features that works.

good day.

noodlefoodle 11-01-2010 09:11 AM

Re: Is my omnia a dinosaur?
Hi, I updated my omnia to Dxia5 wich is wm6.5 and it worked great! used xcpuscalar to overclockk it and it is nice and fast. Simply look for the dxia5 rom and flash... Hope this helps. Ps: Great to be here

felixgza 11-01-2010 11:21 AM

Re: Is my omnia a dinosaur?
The problem with the Omnias is that they use not standard screen resolutions and a few programs have problems with them, nothing to do with Operating Systems or age.

mark elmore 11-13-2010 09:45 PM

My Omnia is now a PDA.
I upgraded to an Inc in Sept because its virtually the same size in hand/ on ear.
I still Wifi email and other data in it but the screen grid will not calibrate so its a bit of a pain but long live the memory of the Omnia. Fora little bit it was the best phone in the Verizon fleet but alas time moves on quickly

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slidered from a wifi monolith

kba538 11-16-2010 12:49 AM

Re: Is my omnia a dinosaur?
I'm still rocking with my Omnia. This is truly the best phone I ever had. I know that there are newer phones out there, but my Omnia does everything I want it to do. Tethered modem, GPS, tons of storage space, syncs with my computer well, customizable, sweet camera, web browsing…
I managed to get an altered version of the new bing – so it now runs on my Omnia…I think I found it on this forum.
My contract is up soon and I am seriously considering just keeping this phone and getting a new battery for it.

yankees45us 11-16-2010 01:32 AM

When I worked for verizon I loved the omnia. I loved helping people with it. With a custom rom this phone is awesome. I like the tp2 better but the omnia was a great phone even with the small defects and glitches that it had. Would love to try out the new wp7 omnia.

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