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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 12:46 PM
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Re: Other places to buy the Epic - no mail-in rebate

ok...sooo, my question now is WHO BESIDES SPRINT will have the actual phone in their stores on the 31st? i understand that obviously it would probably be best to p/u from the sprint store but i really dont wanna pay the upfront rebate and wait for it to be returned in the mail weeks/months later when there is a possibility that i could pay the $249+tx AND walk out w/ my epic THE SAME DAY! with all the talk of pre-ordering (which i DID DO at the sprint store) i am now even more eagerly awaiting the phone and dont want to have to wait for the phone to come in the mail...

do u guys think that best buy/radio shack/wal mart will have actual phones for sale for those who DID NOT preorder??? the reason why i mentioned those 3 stores in particular is because i believe they offer the INSTANT REBATE.....
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 01:20 PM
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Re: Other places to buy the Epic - no mail-in rebate

Originally Posted by 2kidz View Post
ok...sooo, my question now is WHO BESIDES SPRINT will have the actual phone in their stores on the 31st? i understand that obviously it would probably be best to p/u from the sprint store but i really dont wanna pay the upfront rebate and wait for it to be returned in the mail weeks/months later when there is a possibility that i could pay the $249+tx AND walk out w/ my epic THE SAME DAY! with all the talk of pre-ordering (which i DID DO at the sprint store) i am now even more eagerly awaiting the phone and dont want to have to wait for the phone to come in the mail...

do u guys think that best buy/radio shack/wal mart will have actual phones for sale for those who DID NOT preorder??? the reason why i mentioned those 3 stores in particular is because i believe they offer the INSTANT REBATE.....
Best Buy and radioshack will definitely have it day 1 but you gotta pre-order with them to guarantee it.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 01:27 PM
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Re: Other places to buy the Epic - no mail-in rebate

I pre-ordered mine at SAM's. $249- $50 deposit gift card and a guarantee that I will get one on the 31st.
- Sammy Epic 4G - Mot S9s
- Plantronic 975 - Legendary Rom w/ 2.1 update
- 32 gb A-Patriot MicroSD CL10
----------Priceless ----------
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 02:57 PM
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Re: Other places to buy the Epic - no mail-in rebate

I got a guarantee at RS, but I reserved at Sprint as a backup.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 03:23 PM
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Re: Other places to buy the Epic - no mail-in rebate

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Best Buy and radioshack will definitely have it day 1 but you gotta pre-order with them to guarantee it.

just got in from the bb closest to my job from doing the pre-order...cant wait! they said i was their third preorder and that they would call me the night before to schedule an appointment for pick up...these folks dont really seem too knowledgeable about the product in which they are attempting to sell so my concern is how in the hell are the gonna be prepared enough to teach me (coming from a tp-2 WINDOWS phone) how to operate a totally different operating system (ANDROID) when it doesnt appear they even know how to work EITHER ONE??? hmmm...
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 03:25 PM
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Re: Other places to buy the Epic - no mail-in rebate

oh yeah, do u guys know if the epic has voice to text???
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 03:51 PM
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Re: Other places to buy the Epic - no mail-in rebate

Originally Posted by 2kidz View Post
just got in from the bb closest to my job from doing the pre-order...cant wait! they said i was their third preorder and that they would call me the night before to schedule an appointment for pick up...these folks dont really seem too knowledgeable about the product in which they are attempting to sell so my concern is how in the hell are the gonna be prepared enough to teach me (coming from a tp-2 WINDOWS phone) how to operate a totally different operating system (ANDROID) when it doesnt appear they even know how to work EITHER ONE??? hmmm...
They won't be able to most likely tell you the specific features and stuff..but they should at least know the basics of Android..if you want them to show you stuff you can always visit a Sprint store afterwards and get those that are "trained" with it..but you'd rarely find an employee with knowledge more then the people here though lol

Originally Posted by 2kidz View Post
oh yeah, do u guys know if the epic has voice to text???
The Galaxy S and the Vibrant does..so I do not see why not..
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 04:09 PM
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Re: Other places to buy the Epic - no mail-in rebate

[QUOTE=gTen;1913859]They won't be able to most likely tell you the specific features and stuff..but they should at least know the basics of Android..if you want them to show you stuff you can always visit a Sprint store afterwards and get those that are "trained" with it..but you'd rarely find an employee with knowledge more then the people here though lol

now THIS is TRUE!!!! i remember when i got my tp-2 and had issues, i called sprint for help and they were like 'duhhhhhh!!!!' i then went to the sprint store and because of it's new-ness, i basically got the same silly ass response....i secured more info from ppcgeeks and xda and alltouchpro2 sites than from ANY sprint tech!
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 04:33 PM
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Re: Other places to buy the Epic - no mail-in rebate

another question, since i didnt buy the phone from sprint where i am a 'premier customer', will i have to pay an activation fee since i am getting it from bb??? i know, i know....i forgot to ask when i was there due to being so dang excited about being thismuch closer to my beloved epic! lol!
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 04:37 PM
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Re: Other places to buy the Epic - no mail-in rebate

Originally Posted by 2kidz View Post
now THIS is TRUE!!!! i remember when i got my tp-2 and had issues, i called sprint for help and they were like 'duhhhhhh!!!!' i then went to the sprint store and because of it's new-ness, i basically got the same silly ass response....i secured more info from ppcgeeks and xda and alltouchpro2 sites than from ANY sprint tech!
Well in the TP2 case the employees went even trained on it...most Sprint stores didn't even have the phone in stock for months...They at least did some basic training for the Epic according to the Playbook so they should be bale to answer the basics...if you go Advanced on them they'd be useless though lol

Originally Posted by 2kidz View Post
another question, since i didnt buy the phone from sprint where i am a 'premier customer', will i have to pay an activation fee since i am getting it from bb??? i know, i know....i forgot to ask when i was there due to being so dang excited about being thismuch closer to my beloved epic! lol!
Ahm..I'm not exactly sure..I don't think there is..but even if there is, its nothing 1 simple phone call cant fix..I have yet to have once been denied removal of the activation fee...
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