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-   -   Read me in TIME Magazine defending the WM-based phone over iPhone! (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=11881)

Stevenewjersey 01-15-2008 09:53 AM

Its all good. The Iphones freeze way more then ppc phones and they are barely usable for most things. The only input you have is the touch screen and its very very clunky. People that just dont want to bother learning how to use a phone fit into an Iphone perfectly. Those who dont mind a small learning curve and unlimited applications use a ppc.

Zyphlin 01-15-2008 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by drew454U (Post 125271)
this came from the article

. It's not a phone, it's a platform
when apple made the iphone, it didn't throw together some cheap-o bare-bones firmware. It took OS X, its full-featured desktop operating system, and somehow squished it down to fit inside the iPhone's elegant glass-and-stainless-steel case. That makes the iPhone more than just a gadget. It's a genuine handheld, walk-around computer, the first device that really deserves the name. One of the big trends of 2007 was the idea that computing doesn't belong just in cyberspace, it needs to happen here, in the real world, where actual stuff happens. The iPhone gets applications like Google Maps out onto the street, where we really need them

The whole article is onesided, kinda ridiculous.

Sorry oQo, the iPhone is the first genuine walk around computer.

dishe 01-15-2008 07:37 PM

I also wrote something, although as far as I know it wasn't published:

"I understand that the iPhone needs to exist in this world, however I think that it was a very poor choice for Invention of the Year. It did have enough marketing and hype behind it to deserve that title, however I would expect at least the likes of a journalist to have seen through all of that.
I would like to point out that there is not one single thing that the iPhone does that is revolutionary for a phone, with the exception of its easy to use interface.
Many enthusiasts have referred to this interface as "dumbed down" rather than "innovative".
All of the features this phone presents have been available on Windows Mobile and Palm devices for years, not to mention the myriad of features NOT available on the iPhone (stereo bluetooth, push email, custom intefaces, real hardware QWERTY keyboards... most importantly, third party application support!).

True, the average person has trouble understanding how to watch youtube on a windows mobile or Palm device. The iPhone presents you with everything you can do in a simple to use fashion, and for that it is to be commended. However, make no mistake, the things I do on a day to day basis with my phone (and the last 3 that I've owned) are not possible on the iPhone.

I dare to call it the "Smartphone for Dummies"."

schettj 01-15-2008 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Shaska (Post 155704)
All I can say is this, Every time I see an Iphone I pull out My Mogul, And in about 20 seconds after seeing all I can do and what they can't. They regret getting those overpriced hunks of junk. To date I think Im personally to blame for 4 or 5 Iphone returns, and at least 3 WM Device sales! XD

Well, guys, I've got both a mogul and an ipod touch - and I admit I have fired up WMWifiRouter more then a few times to do some browsing on the touch instead of the mogul when there was no open wifi around... and to check imap email... but that's it really. I promise.

The mobile platform Apple has made is a pretty decent technical achievement - getting darwin to run well in 128mb of ram, creating a ui framework that works efficiently with low-resolution finger presses, getting decent battery life out of a machine with a battery half the size of the average winmobile machine... not too shabby, really.

Of course, the first thing I did was jailbreak mine, install the native toolchain folks have hacked together, and generally voided all legal agreements. But you just have to be able to ssh into your ipod and get your root shell prompt. Then install apache, and your custom php web-app. It's a pretty decent platform, even if apple doesn't want anyone to get to it.

Spencer_Moore 01-15-2008 09:24 PM

Schettj u r very right here

i do this to its jsut easier sometimes but im a kid and cant even see myself ever wanting an iPhone....to me not enough features and im an obnoxious teenager who cares about his image and i carry around my apache....

with the lack of 3rd party support...like no slingplayer mobilee.....the iPhone is obviously not for me...without my Apache i would never get away with watching sportscenter during class

rydindirty 01-24-2008 06:20 PM

My best friend bought an iphone the week it came out, and I messed with him every day about how my phone was better and did more things. He said that my 8525 was too big and did too much. After about 2 months of using it, he realized every day more and more he started to hate it. He was always having problems with and found the case to be way to flimsy for his hands. He described to me as and empty beer can. He finnally got tire of it and smashed on his kitchen tile, and immediatley went out and bought the tilt. So far he is in love with it and now doesnt even use his computer anymore cause he can do everything he wants sitting on the couch.

scionccx 02-12-2008 03:35 PM

Hey guys, please excuse my ignorance but... I own a xv7600 with wm6 on it. Now, I just read on the page earlier a wm based device can do more than an iphone. I know this is true due to countless people saying it, but what exactly can a pocket pc do that an iphone can't? Just curious, a friend of mine wants to buy an iphone and I want to persuade him into buying a pocket pc insted.

Blad3 02-14-2008 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by scionccx (Post 184469)
Hey guys, please excuse my ignorance but... I own a xv7600 with wm6 on it. Now, I just read on the page earlier a wm based device can do more than an iphone. I know this is true due to countless people saying it, but what exactly can a pocket pc do that an iphone can't? Just curious, a friend of mine wants to buy an iphone and I want to persuade him into buying a pocket pc insted.

you can actually record video with it. and thats just the tip of the iceberg...

jimmiekain 02-20-2008 03:57 AM

Re: Read me in TIME Magazine defending the WM-based phone over iPhone!

Originally Posted by ebmorgan (Post 123637)
I would love to, but it was a diret submission...and they own it now. I don't have it...:( But it basically picked apart every false statement made in the Nov12 issue. Everyone should definately read the IOTY article first. Then you'll immediately see why I had to write to them.

Here's a link to the IOTY article in TIME....http://www.time.com/time/specials/20...678542,00.html

Yes they do own it, but you are the creator. It is your intellectual property. The fact that they own it doesn’t mean you can’t post it. It simply means they don’t owe you anything for any money they may make from the publication thereof.

Tiberius85 02-26-2008 09:09 PM

Re: Read me in TIME Magazine defending the WM-based phone over iPhone!
Apple has a very good way of taking basic features that EVERYTHING has and acting like its the best reason to buy their product. I mean seriously, listen to music, view your pictures, an 'internet communications device?' Shiny interface, animations, and effects, that have nothing to do with the actual functionality (or lack thereof)

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