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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2012, 06:42 PM
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Re: Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users

Originally Posted by JohnMcD348 View Post
I thought the newer Photon supported the newer LTE service? I'm almost sure that's what the guy was telling me in the store. I could have been wrong though.
Yeah don't listen to him.. he thinks he know's everything, calling himself a "guru" and all (we can easily see right through that(bs) LOL!!

Here's a link confirming the Photon Q your talking about is 4G LTE(sprint) capable.. Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE up for pre-order, hitting Sprint August 19th for $200 -- Engadget
Click if I've helped you!!

Donations accepted not expected!

Last edited by lnando84; 08-26-2012 at 07:24 PM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 12:02 AM
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Re: Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users

Originally Posted by lnando84 View Post
Yeah don't listen to him.. he thinks he know's everything, calling himself a "guru" and all (we can easily see right through that(bs) LOL!!

Here's a link confirming the Photon Q your talking about is 4G LTE(sprint) capable.. Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE up for pre-order, hitting Sprint August 19th for $200 -- Engadget
Didn't kno there was another photon coming out. I'm probably just as clueless about the happenings in android just as much as you guys are clueless about the happenings in WP which is disappointing because this site used to be pro-MS.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 01:03 AM
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Re: Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
Didn't kno there was another photon coming out. I'm probably just as clueless about the happenings in android just as much as you guys are clueless about the happenings in WP which is disappointing because this site used to be pro-MS.
This site is all about phones period, true it started off mostly for windows but became avail to the mass of all operating systems. people, this is a free forum to help out where you can! help the op and stop the bickering between each other. we are all phone gurus! just a thought
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 02:15 AM
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Re: Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
Didn't kno there was another photon coming out. I'm probably just as clueless about the happenings in android just as much as you guys are clueless about the happenings in WP which is disappointing because this site used to be pro-MS.
Nothing but excuses..you were proven to be wrong yet feel the need to some how justify it with this crap. You were the one who made the "clueless" statement about the android device(not the other way around)..us "clueless about wp" members aren't making it seem like we know it all!! And for that fact alone.. your "explanatory" post means NOTHING!!

Originally Posted by Sonin66 View Post
This site is all about phones period, true it started off mostly for windows but became avail to the mass of all operating systems. people, this is a free forum to help out where you can! help the op and stop the bickering between each other. we are all phone gurus! just a thought
In there lies part of the problem.. You guys (Mods/retired mods/what have you) consistently come on here saying "stop the bickering", "take it to PM or the cage"(temporarily sweeping it under the rug). I understand the reasoning but maybe you guys should look at the root of the problem..9 times out of 10 its cause eric is involved(and that # is being generous)!! He shouldn't be allowed to run around here plugging tmobile/wp/ms the way he does(lots of times even when has nothing to do with topic). He acts as if people around here aren't allowed to or are wrong for having their own opinions about wp/ms(and his views are always the right ones). He turns it into android vs wp, sprint vs tmobile, google vs m$) It got old years ago yet he continues!! And whenever anyone calls him out on it(keep in mind there have been countless times we just let them go), you guys say stop the fighting. How is it fair that he can leave those posts in the first place, then when called out on it whoever did the calling out is the "bad guy" for doing so. I don't get it? Somethings gotta give cause it's def not fair!! I personally didn't visit the site as i normally used to (for a few months span earlier this year) just cause of not wanting to deal with his crap!! I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in thinking this either!!

Go ahead, ask around here(and other sites) and all you'll find that I'm always trying to help others w/ what I know/can. I'm not leaving these posts to fight with him or anyone. I'm doing so in hopes you guys actually do something about the BS! It saddens me but I've already had thoughts of just saying f it and not returning to the site cross my mind. I personally don't benefit from coming here, I do it for the members I may be able to help(and for a few buddies i've made over the years). I've stuck around in hopes to see the site, I think of as "home base", become what it once was. In my eyes it'll never happen with members like eric running around the entire site(wild) posting whatever he wants..it def doesn't give the site a friendly atmosphere let alone a family friendly one! If the only way to not have to deal with all this crap is by not coming here than please tell me that that's what I need to do!!

Last edited by lnando84; 08-27-2012 at 06:03 AM.
  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 10:50 AM
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Re: Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
Didn't kno there was another photon coming out. I'm probably just as clueless about the happenings in android just as much as you guys are clueless about the happenings in WP which is disappointing because this site used to be pro-MS.
yeah before Android and iOS came out. Look at market share, why would there be mostly WP content when almost everyone owns an Android device or iOS, and MS just killed off a 2 year old OS for a brand new one, so there goes their WP7 market while they try to build up 8.

Android you can modify, you can have a real development forum for it, you can develop ROMs, kernels, themes, launchers, hacks, tweaks, and much more. iOS you can't really have a forum for. There is NO successful iOS forum, they are ALL ghost towns. Even XDA, probably the most successful phone hacking site in the history of ever, own the iPhone-developers.com site that barely has any traffic. It is closed source and the only thing worth talking about are Cydia tweaks and custom themes which are basically point, download, click.

WM was awesome because we had custom ROMs, themes, engines, versions, bootloaders, ports, etc... even though you had to actually be smart to fully utilize all WM had to offer.

WP7 killed all "real" development. Completely closed ecosystem, everything encrypted, even with HSPL no Android ports, no themes, no real changes and no real ROMs (other than the HD2). Even the WP7 forums on XDA were not half as popular as the Android ones, just a bunch of people too lazy to search asking the same questions about the same bugs.

so MS kills WP7 and enter WP8, which is not even out yet btw, and it's just as closed as WP7 and iOS, built on a different kernel than WP7, so now we need all new apps and SDKs and all that, they need to try to repopulate their app store which was already lacking compared with Android and iOS and compete with iOS6, JellyBean and KLP, BB10 (which IMO is going to fail utterly), and now that the Android experience is finally on par with Metro for smoothness (anyone who has used JellyBean on a Galaxy Nexus knows what I'm talking about,) with Project Butter MS can't even pull that "yeah well Metro is smoother than Android" card.

Eric, your blink zealotry to MS is what prevents you from actually prevents anyone from trying it out. WP7 and WP8 do have some pros and I am looking forward to trying out WP8, I will probably own a WP8 device because I am a tech junkie, just like I will own an iPhone 5 and the next Nexus line of Android phones. But constantly bashing the site and the staff and other members for just not agreeing with you will not get you any new followers of the WP8 fan club, it will actually detract people because they are going to think you guys are as bad as those iOS freaks who don't really know anything but what Apple says is scripture...
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 11:32 AM
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Originally Posted by lnando84 View Post
Nothing but excuses..you were proven to be wrong yet feel the need to some how justify it with this crap. You were the one who made the "clueless" statement about the android device(not the other way around)..us "clueless about wp" members aren't making it seem like we know it all!! And for that fact alone.. your "explanatory" post means NOTHING!!

In there lies part of the problem.. You guys (Mods/retired mods/what have you) consistently come on here saying "stop the bickering", "take it to PM or the cage"(temporarily sweeping it under the rug). I understand the reasoning but maybe you guys should look at the root of the problem..9 times out of 10 its cause eric is involved(and that # is being generous)!! He shouldn't be allowed to run around here plugging tmobile/wp/ms the way he does(lots of times even when has nothing to do with topic). He acts as if people around here aren't allowed to or are wrong for having their own opinions about wp/ms(and his views are always the right ones). He turns it into android vs wp, sprint vs tmobile, google vs m$) It got old years ago yet he continues!! And whenever anyone calls him out on it(keep in mind there have been countless times we just let them go), you guys say stop the fighting. How is it fair that he can leave those posts in the first place, then when called out on it whoever did the calling out is the "bad guy" for doing so. I don't get it? Somethings gotta give cause it's def not fair!! I personally didn't visit the site as i normally used to (for a few months span earlier this year) just cause of not wanting to deal with his crap!! I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in thinking this either!!

Go ahead, ask around here(and other sites) and all you'll find that I'm always trying to help others w/ what I know/can. I'm not leaving these posts to fight with him or anyone. I'm doing so in hopes you guys actually do something about the BS! It saddens me but I've already had thoughts of just saying f it and not returning to the site cross my mind. I personally don't benefit from coming here, I do it for the members I may be able to help(and for a few buddies i've made over the years). I've stuck around in hopes to see the site, I think of as "home base", become what it once was. In my eyes it'll never happen with members like eric running around the entire site(wild) posting whatever he wants..it def doesn't give the site a friendly atmosphere let alone a family friendly one! If the only way to not have to deal with all this crap is by not coming here than please tell me that that's what I need to do!!
You have to look at what is being said when Eric is called out. 9 times out of 10 it is a personal attack which is against site rules.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 02:35 PM
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Re: Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
yeah before Android and iOS came out. Look at market share, why would there be mostly WP content when almost everyone owns an Android device or iOS, and MS just killed off a 2 year old OS for a brand new one, so there goes their WP7 market while they try to build up 8.

Android you can modify, you can have a real development forum for it, you can develop ROMs, kernels, themes, launchers, hacks, tweaks, and much more. iOS you can't really have a forum for. There is NO successful iOS forum, they are ALL ghost towns. Even XDA, probably the most successful phone hacking site in the history of ever, own the iPhone-developers.com site that barely has any traffic. It is closed source and the only thing worth talking about are Cydia tweaks and custom themes which are basically point, download, click.

WM was awesome because we had custom ROMs, themes, engines, versions, bootloaders, ports, etc... even though you had to actually be smart to fully utilize all WM had to offer.

WP7 killed all "real" development. Completely closed ecosystem, everything encrypted, even with HSPL no Android ports, no themes, no real changes and no real ROMs (other than the HD2). Even the WP7 forums on XDA were not half as popular as the Android ones, just a bunch of people too lazy to search asking the same questions about the same bugs.

so MS kills WP7 and enter WP8, which is not even out yet btw, and it's just as closed as WP7 and iOS, built on a different kernel than WP7, so now we need all new apps and SDKs and all that, they need to try to repopulate their app store which was already lacking compared with Android and iOS and compete with iOS6, JellyBean and KLP, BB10 (which IMO is going to fail utterly), and now that the Android experience is finally on par with Metro for smoothness (anyone who has used JellyBean on a Galaxy Nexus knows what I'm talking about,) with Project Butter MS can't even pull that "yeah well Metro is smoother than Android" card.

Eric, your blink zealotry to MS is what prevents you from actually prevents anyone from trying it out. WP7 and WP8 do have some pros and I am looking forward to trying out WP8, I will probably own a WP8 device because I am a tech junkie, just like I will own an iPhone 5 and the next Nexus line of Android phones. But constantly bashing the site and the staff and other members for just not agreeing with you will not get you any new followers of the WP8 fan club, it will actually detract people because they are going to think you guys are as bad as those iOS freaks who don't really know anything but what Apple says is scripture...
Actually that is incorrect, WP7 apps will work fine on WP8 so there will be 100,000+ apps available at launch. I don't think ICS or JB would run well on an HTC hero.
  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 02:53 PM
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Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
I was trying to help, this phone he's trying to get will be useless since it doesn't support LTE and will only run on sprint's slow 3G network if he doesn't have Wi-Max coverage.
Any windows 7.x will be useless, seeing as how wp8 is just around the corner.

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Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
That isn't relevant...

He calls you out for your constant plugs and no actual desire to help OP and your response is to bash the site...

That's just puerile.

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You should see what he posts about this site on other sites. He constantly bashes us on wpcentral.

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here is a good one here...

he blatantly does on other sites what i got banned from this site for. word for word if anyone recalls correctly.
also, look towards the bottom of the thread where he brags on getting banned from here.
he is a troll in the truest sense of the word. ive been trying to get this info out here for a long time, but no one listens, because apparently every one besides eric is a trouble maker or "neer-do-well".

Last edited by austin420; 08-27-2012 at 03:09 PM.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2012, 03:57 PM
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Re: Maybe Moving from Windows. Would like some real input reivews from users

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
Actually that is incorrect, WP7 apps will work fine on WP8 so there will be 100,000+ apps available at launch. I don't think ICS or JB would run well on an HTC hero.
The Hero came out 3 years ago and the only reason JB wouldn't run as well is because the hardware is too old, that's a really stupid analogy considering the first WP7 device shipped with a snapdragon.

What's funny is JellyBean actually works with only a few issues on the Hero

[ROM] ELIGOROM 3.0.0p1, now with more jellybean! cam works 8/26/2012 - xda-developers

so the device is STILL relevant 3 years later. Same with the iPhone 3GS, it is still getting updated and you can port Siri etc...

You can try to spin it any way you want, but at the end of the day everyone can see you just flat out refuse to see any faults and have the worst case of tunnel vision ever. Even when NO ONE brings up Android you just randomly bash it, it's the weirdest thing, it's like you get paid by MS or something.

How they let you moderate a site with that type of condescending and closed-minded attitude is just beyond me.
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