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Calkulin can't get a higher reputation levelCalkulin can't get a higher reputation levelCalkulin can't get a higher reputation levelCalkulin can't get a higher reputation levelCalkulin can't get a higher reputation levelCalkulin can't get a higher reputation levelCalkulin can't get a higher reputation levelCalkulin can't get a higher reputation levelCalkulin can't get a higher reputation levelCalkulin can't get a higher reputation levelCalkulin can't get a higher reputation level

Calkulin Offline

VIP Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 23
  1. Calkulin
    06-11-2010 04:24 PM - permalink
    Thanks for the compliment
  2. GirlGoneGeek
    06-11-2010 03:37 PM - permalink
    I heard you make the greatest ROMS lately Good work and thanks!!!
  3. geotravelcat
    04-06-2010 08:33 AM - permalink
    Calkulin,what is going on with your Kitchen thread? I get a page down

    Oops Sorry. Looks like I accidently toggled the display type.
  4. LinearBurn
    03-19-2010 01:46 PM - permalink
    Calkulin would you like some custome boot screens for build in to your rom ill build you something if you like Im not so bad with making gifs
  5. Nygel
    02-09-2010 07:48 PM - permalink
    Calkulin, can you design a kitchen for me based on my specs or just a generic kitch that I can drop what I want in it to build what I like.
    I want to build off of Sprint shipped ROM but I love the tweaks and valar that Juicy puts in his but it is mostly based off of all other carriers but the sprint rom

    thanks in advance you can hit me back any time
  6. Calkulin
    02-09-2010 04:31 PM - permalink
    No GSM TP2 kitchen(even tho the current one could be modded for it quite easily) but once the HD2 comes out in the US, I'm going GSM.....
  7. keery458
    02-08-2010 09:33 PM - permalink
    Hey Calk, I've been using your Roms for a while, and must say they are the best. i've recently jumped to a gsm tp2, any chances of you cooking something for the GSM version?. your hard work is great appreciated.
  8. Calkulin
    01-01-2010 07:12 PM - permalink
    Happy New Year to everyone!!!
  9. Carla
    01-01-2010 03:47 AM - permalink
    Happy New Year!!
  10. robby1
    12-05-2009 05:11 PM - permalink
    i downloaded it from here this is right for cdma touch pro right

About Me

  • About Calkulin
    Pocket PC
    EVO 4G
  • Signature
    If you like my work, donate to buy me a beer or 2


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General Information
  • Join Date: 09-08-2008
  • Referrals: 0


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