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BigDiesel07 can't get a higher reputation levelBigDiesel07 can't get a higher reputation levelBigDiesel07 can't get a higher reputation levelBigDiesel07 can't get a higher reputation levelBigDiesel07 can't get a higher reputation levelBigDiesel07 can't get a higher reputation levelBigDiesel07 can't get a higher reputation levelBigDiesel07 can't get a higher reputation levelBigDiesel07 can't get a higher reputation levelBigDiesel07 can't get a higher reputation levelBigDiesel07 can't get a higher reputation level

BigDiesel07 Offline

Big MVP Diesel

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 90 of 98
  1. GirlGoneGeek
    10-07-2009 11:14 PM - permalink
    yes, of course....just finally made a name for myself. I am his secretary at the home office. You are his secretary here, lol.
  2. MordyT
    09-21-2009 06:13 PM - permalink
    and here i though i was your friend already. lol
  3. hibby50
    09-21-2009 04:32 PM - permalink
    yoyoyo my diesel
  4. [sammich]
    09-18-2009 01:30 PM - permalink
    Thank you, kind sir!
  5. jumpnjoeyz
    09-17-2009 09:54 AM - permalink

    I had a questions on how the labels are set on the site. I have noticed that I have gone from a lurker to a NOOb and necessarily don't like the label. I would prefer to be called a PPCGeeks Regular instead. I noticed another members stats who I had responded to a question of theirs and helped them. Their stats were lower than mine and they were a regular versus a noob like I. See below for the instance I am refering to:


    If you could change this or pass on some suggestions I would appreciate it as I don't consider myself to be a noob and I regularly visit the site. I just don't have a lot of time usually to participate with everything going on in life. Trying to make more of an effort as of late. This is of course in no disrespect to the member Zap! or a question of his qualifications. Just using him as a bench mark to figure out where the classification comes from.

    Thanks in advance.
  6. jtr02a
    09-09-2009 09:56 AM - permalink
    Nothing really, I was just checking in to see what everyone was saying about it. UPS dropped off mine at 6:25pm CST yesterday (after waiting all day), so I'm excited. Thanks for your help.
  7. jtr02a
    09-08-2009 02:14 PM - permalink
    Ok, just wanted to be sure I wasn't crazy or banned or something. Thanks.
  8. jtr02a
    09-08-2009 10:00 AM - permalink
    I can't seem to access http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=80702, but can get to the other sections dealing with the TP2, any idea why it is giving me an error?
  9. hibby50
    08-20-2009 11:05 AM - permalink
  10. hibby50
    08-19-2009 03:59 PM - permalink

About Me

  • About BigDiesel07
    Pocket PC
    PPCG/Redford, MI
    Student/Book binding and stitching operator
    Student at University of Michigan


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  • Last Activity: 11-07-2015 08:19 PM
  • Join Date: 10-08-2008
  • Referrals: 12


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