You did nothing bud!! LOL!
No worries man!
I was house cleaning is all, and forgot it was gonna leave this mess behind!
For real though, you're fine man! I have not forgotten your requests either.
I am just strectched in many directions right now and just cant get to everything!
There needs to be more time in a day! Again, no worries bud!
Hey there its me again :0), Im Installing Max Manilla 2.82 for first time, Is this compatible with any of your 2.5 clocks ? Dont want to mess up anything here since im reading there are already like 8 sets of clocks in MM 2.82...
Yes, should be able to work on all 2.5.1922 roms. But some chefs modify the original roms manila in unpredictable ways, ao I can not guarantee 100%.
However, I have not had anyone on 2.5.1922 tell me they didn't work.
It is uninstallable as well.