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demonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation level

demonlordoftheround Offline

Almost a VIP

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 53
  1. Adrianh85
    01-20-2010 04:41 PM - permalink
    Happy Bday son!!!
  2. demonlordoftheround
    01-20-2010 12:32 PM - permalink
    Thanks doc!
  3. Dr.8820
    01-20-2010 10:18 AM - permalink
    happy birthday!
  4. gtcoffe
    01-17-2010 06:59 PM - permalink
    Thank you! a pic always better when your phone is in it, lol for the site!
  5. demonlordoftheround
    01-14-2010 05:41 PM - permalink
    Darn, another birthday coming! What should I buy myself?
  6. demonlordoftheround
    12-01-2009 12:19 AM - permalink
    Nothing but salad and chicken until Christmas!
  7. babyqtangel
    11-30-2009 10:32 PM - permalink
    Thanks demon, hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I ate a lot! =P
  8. Carla
    11-24-2009 10:52 PM - permalink
    And a Happy Thanksgiving to you too!! Thanks for thinking of me
  9. demonlordoftheround
    11-22-2009 09:35 PM - permalink
    You mean like in your signature? You can get there from your UserCP.
  10. rell26
    11-22-2009 05:22 PM - permalink
    hi this rell26 how do post a list about myselfe?

About Me

  • About demonlordoftheround
    Pocket PC
    OnePlus 8 5G


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-22-2020 02:27 PM
  • Join Date: 12-31-2007
  • Referrals: 1


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 28


07:43 PM - Karl mentioned demonlordoftheround in post Re: USB jig
demonlordoftheround thank you, do you n...
01:34 PM - eric12341 mentioned demonlordoftheround in post Re: Galaxy Nexus on Sprint
...ur neighborhood. demonlordoftheround nope, been to hofo o...
02:32 PM - Wideawake mentioned demonlordoftheround in post Re: Anyone moving to Touch 4g or Photon 4g?
As demonlordoftheround stated GPS on my epi...

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