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cmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation level

cmonex Offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 44 of 44
  1. lazydazed
    10-01-2009 08:16 PM - permalink
    i swore i wasnt going to be "that guy" but i gotta b sometimes...could u please post or tell me how to get the Treo Pro HSPL .nbh I would greatly appreciate it...thank you
  2. petrafan007
    09-15-2009 07:42 PM - permalink
    btw i would have posted this in the forum but i keep getting i need at least 5 characters (???)
  3. petrafan007
    09-15-2009 07:41 PM - permalink
    hey...i keep getting an error with a red x whenever i try to connect to my phone in windows 7. not sure why but it still shows connected in activesync on my phone and i ran the unlocker and got the tricolor screen but i get error 260
  4. max199
    08-26-2009 05:46 PM - permalink
    hi, i love my HTC TOUCH PRO CDMA SPRINT, i downloaded this small program calld BAFMSL this is the only one works on the touch pro easy but you need to install its calld NET for windows mobile in order this should work and gives you the unlock code, OK now i am trying to flash my rom to mighty rom no luck also want to upgrade to WM6.5 for many hrs , still hangs at the 0% tri color can somone please email me or call me max. at 845-659-6266. thank you so much..

About Me

  • About cmonex
    Pocket PC
  • Signature
    Main device: Athena (x7500)

    Other devices: Shift, Kaiser, Diamond (GSM version), Universals (Qtek 9000, Vodafone VPA IV) + non HTC ones.

    Donations To cmonex


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 07-27-2011 03:27 AM
  • Join Date: 11-15-2007
  • Referrals: 32


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03:18 PM - eric12341 mentioned cmonex in post Re: Sim unlock your TP2 for free
oh cmonex, cant wait till she ...

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