After a Hard Reset, before Installing manila 2.5 make sure to complete these steps:
1. Run the Quick Set up guide to enable your weather to work
2. .net 3.5
3. SDKCerts
4. PHM Regedit, Resco Explorer, Total Commander, XDA Shutdown (or you can just use file explorer)
5. Disable Auto Lock
6. Disable TF3D 2.0
7. Soft Reset
6. Install Sense 2.5
fi. Sense - 2.5.1922.2911 for 6.1
7. Soft Reset
After Install, complete the following steps:
8. Leo Camera Fix
9. DHarvey Start Menu
10. any additional performance/enhancement tweaks from the Main Stickied thread:
11. Soft reset and wait like 4 mins.