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santod Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 74
  1. santod
    02-07-2010 06:53 PM - permalink
    After a Hard Reset, before Installing manila 2.5 make sure to complete these steps:
    1. Run the Quick Set up guide to enable your weather to work
    2. .net 3.5
    3. SDKCerts
    4. PHM Regedit, Resco Explorer, Total Commander, XDA Shutdown (or you can just use file explorer)
    5. Disable Auto Lock
    6. Disable TF3D 2.0
    7. Soft Reset

    6. Install Sense 2.5 fi. Sense - 2.5.1922.2911 for 6.1 beta.cab
    7. Soft Reset

    After Install, complete the following steps:
    8. Leo Camera Fix
    9. DHarvey Start Menu
    10. any additional performance/enhancement tweaks from the Main Stickied thread:
    11. Soft reset and wait like 4 mins.
  2. santod
    02-07-2010 06:34 PM - permalink
    Yeah, I'll get right back to you on that. Hang tight!
  3. adrock1154
    02-07-2010 06:30 PM - permalink
    hey man do you have the cab to port sense 2.5 to 2.1?
  4. tjgamer
    02-07-2010 06:21 AM - permalink
    will it be done we i get on tomorrow?
  5. tjgamer
    02-07-2010 03:48 AM - permalink
    its sunday here atm "
  6. tjgamer
    02-06-2010 05:32 AM - permalink
    thnk bud
  7. santod
    02-06-2010 04:54 AM - permalink
    Hopefully this weekend bud.
  8. tjgamer
    02-06-2010 04:41 AM - permalink
    ok are you working on my request atm or not? eta on time to go
  9. santod
    02-06-2010 04:34 AM - permalink
    Cool man! I am in the process of finishing up my Call History mod for 2.5.2011.
    Should be ready to post tomorrow. I was about to post another screenshot, I think.
    I may just stay up a bit longer and finish, or just crash. I'll see.
  10. tjgamer
    02-06-2010 04:24 AM - permalink
    hows it going im listening into the nz sprint car champs atm u can here http://www.sprintcarworld.co.nz/ the feature is about to start in a lil

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  • About santod
    Pocket PC
    Touch Pro 2/Thunderbolt
    Verizon Wireless
    Anything TECH
    News Writer for PPCgeeks
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    ~My Ultimate WVGA Wallpapers Collection~
    Donations accepted not expected!


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  • Last Activity: 12-11-2014 11:27 AM
  • Join Date: 09-13-2008
  • Referrals: 3


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