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cmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation level

cmonex Offline

VIP Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 44
  1. No1ustad
    10-30-2009 01:28 AM - permalink
    I just wanna give you props for doing what you're doing with all the BS that's been goin on on this site. Commiting to it being freeware and following through after all the talking thats been going on can Not be ez. Take your time, and if that means all month, i'm good with that. Thanks for ur passion!
  2. thedoc
    10-30-2009 12:32 AM - permalink
    eman..dude you live on this site
  3. eman
    10-30-2009 12:06 AM - permalink
    You kidding me, she has the whole country......
  4. siff
    10-30-2009 12:04 AM - permalink
    Says you have no friends.. I thought that was sad..
  5. apristel
    10-29-2009 09:44 PM - permalink
    release already..

  6. rsandridge
    10-23-2009 10:40 PM - permalink
    Donation of $50 USD/30.47GBP Paid.
    I own Nemesis Interactive, LLC (nemesisinteractive.com) and I use a Sprint Touch Pro2 and just wanted say thanks for your hard work on the HSPL. Can't wait. Keep up the good work.
  7. Guero
    10-21-2009 09:45 AM - permalink
    Good work, None of us here would even keep our phones if it wasn't for you. Thanks much
  8. acidhax
    10-14-2009 12:18 PM - permalink
    Hey cmonex, I apologize, do you happen to still have that 'Spinning Dots' fix for the Palm Treo Pro? If not, any help on where to hunt this ******* down would be great. Trying to cook some roms, but I see it annoying to not have a simple fix included. Thanks in advance.
  9. haappy
    10-09-2009 08:02 AM - permalink
    Hi Cmonex...
    Plz give me some link for the MFG unlocker, hardSPL for Diamond Verizon
  10. Dunebug
    10-07-2009 11:36 AM - permalink
    Hi cmonex..

    I'm just checking if you're still working on a HardSPL for the GSM Treo Pro. I have donated to this cause and would just like to know if you're still working on it actively. Not hunting down a timeline.. Just checking.. Thanks!

    Donation posted here:


About Me

  • About cmonex
    Pocket PC
  • Signature
    Main device: Athena (x7500)

    Other devices: Shift, Kaiser, Diamond (GSM version), Universals (Qtek 9000, Vodafone VPA IV) + non HTC ones.

    Donations To cmonex


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 07-27-2011 03:27 AM
  • Join Date: 11-15-2007
  • Referrals: 32


Showing Friends 1 to 5 of 5


03:18 PM - eric12341 mentioned cmonex in post Re: Sim unlock your TP2 for free
oh cmonex, cant wait till she ...

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