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cmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation levelcmonex can't get a higher reputation level

cmonex Offline

VIP Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 44
  1. jp2307
    01-26-2010 02:45 PM - permalink
    Good afternoon Cmonex, i just got my touchpro replaced by a touch pro2 and i tried your unlock tool "RhodiumW-HardSPL_V1_10R3.exe" and i get a 246 error... could you please unlock it for me?? what would you need??

    Thanks JP
  2. cmonex
    12-17-2009 03:50 AM - permalink
    thank you all for your kind words and donations!
    I'd like to remind everyone, if you need to talk to me, send me an email or a PM on XDA, that reaches me faster.
  3. ftropea
    12-11-2009 11:18 AM - permalink
    Just donated $25 to you for the work you plan to do on the Imagio unlocker. Another $25 on the way after it's released. Thanks for all your work!
  4. GirlGoneGeek
    11-10-2009 02:48 PM - permalink
    Congrats on the promotion. You have worked very hard and deserve to be where you are here on the site! Keep up the good work.
  5. g00se
    11-08-2009 08:35 PM - permalink
    can you recommend a book to learn how to program for windows mobile 6? I have a touch pro 2 and would like to start writing apps. Looking for something at the hello world level that will let me take my code and compile and install/run it on my phone. From there I will build on that. TIA!!
  6. redd214
    11-01-2009 08:27 PM - permalink
    Thank you cmonex for your work on the tp2's. dont worry about these internet tough guys we got over here, some of us do truly appreciate what u have done!!

  7. cornelious2
    10-30-2009 05:10 PM - permalink
    Thank you for all you have done for us in spite of the various attitudes and behaviors.
  8. ecker
    10-30-2009 04:49 PM - permalink
    you know, as a cs major, i know how long projects can take. but i agree with tguerena-- if you are gonna say tomorrow or today or whatever-- do it. and if you don't, give an explanation why.

    its the responsible and respectful thing to do.
  9. tguerena
    10-30-2009 09:08 AM - permalink
    Hows about we go ahead and stick to an ETA? If I tell someone something will be done by a certain time, I'll be damned if I stray from that.
  10. eth3rton
    10-30-2009 03:24 AM - permalink
    Wanted to Thank You for all your hard work & putting up with all this nonsense concerning the release date(s) here on the boards. Will be making a donation in a few days!

About Me

  • About cmonex
    Pocket PC
  • Signature
    Main device: Athena (x7500)

    Other devices: Shift, Kaiser, Diamond (GSM version), Universals (Qtek 9000, Vodafone VPA IV) + non HTC ones.

    Donations To cmonex


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 07-27-2011 03:27 AM
  • Join Date: 11-15-2007
  • Referrals: 32


Showing Friends 1 to 5 of 5


03:18 PM - eric12341 mentioned cmonex in post Re: Sim unlock your TP2 for free
oh cmonex, cant wait till she ...

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