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demonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation leveldemonlordoftheround can't get a higher reputation level

demonlordoftheround Offline

Almost a VIP

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 53
  1. GirlGoneGeek
    10-29-2010 01:58 PM - permalink
    love the avatar too
  2. GirlGoneGeek
    10-25-2010 08:50 PM - permalink
    love the profile
  3. Psychobaby
    09-04-2010 03:33 AM - permalink
    Lol you know it! My girls made me a marbled fudge cake and then tonight my friends made me a german chocolate cake...yummy!
  4. Psychobaby
    09-01-2010 09:15 PM - permalink
    Thanks! how have you been?
  5. cablebeachmon
    07-29-2010 09:19 PM - permalink
    Hey Mon! Ja be as low as a snake dooin de limbo!
  6. Laos101
    07-25-2010 06:21 AM - permalink
    thank you!
  7. guyinsa78223
    07-15-2010 07:41 PM - permalink
    i need help... do you know alot about the 6700???
  8. GirlGoneGeek
    06-09-2010 08:58 PM - permalink
    Hello PPCG buddy! We need your opinion. I'm sure you already know about our podcast. If not, check out the information here. If you do, give us your opinion here if you don't mind. We are trying to get as many opinions as possible. If you don't listen to it at all, feel free to ignore my request. Thanks for your time. Have a super awesome day!!
  9. Psychobaby
    05-20-2010 04:11 PM - permalink
    Lol! Thats good to hear I've been good thanks. Waiting for my girls to be out of school so I can be their devoted slave jk lol
  10. Psychobaby
    05-20-2010 05:13 AM - permalink
    Hi! How have you been? Anymore booboo's?

About Me

  • About demonlordoftheround
    Pocket PC
    OnePlus 8 5G


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-22-2020 02:27 PM
  • Join Date: 12-31-2007
  • Referrals: 1


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 28


07:43 PM - Karl mentioned demonlordoftheround in post Re: USB jig
demonlordoftheround thank you, do you n...
01:34 PM - eric12341 mentioned demonlordoftheround in post Re: Galaxy Nexus on Sprint
...ur neighborhood. demonlordoftheround nope, been to hofo o...
02:32 PM - Wideawake mentioned demonlordoftheround in post Re: Anyone moving to Touch 4g or Photon 4g?
As demonlordoftheround stated GPS on my epi...

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