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Dr.8820 can't get a higher reputation levelDr.8820 can't get a higher reputation levelDr.8820 can't get a higher reputation levelDr.8820 can't get a higher reputation levelDr.8820 can't get a higher reputation levelDr.8820 can't get a higher reputation levelDr.8820 can't get a higher reputation levelDr.8820 can't get a higher reputation levelDr.8820 can't get a higher reputation levelDr.8820 can't get a higher reputation levelDr.8820 can't get a higher reputation level

Dr.8820 Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 70
  1. Mr.KLeen
    03-08-2011 09:38 PM - permalink
    Thanks man!
  2. syanni85
    02-04-2011 01:53 PM - permalink
    Thanks for the bday wish bro! I had a the flu during it, but all is well now
  3. PriYankee
    01-29-2011 03:47 PM - permalink
    Yea that was the problem with BB's. their servers go down waaayyy too often, I remember last year, my ex & I would talk all day on BBM & when it went down, it felt like the end of the world loll.

    I'm sitting at my desk as we speak transferring stuff from my BB to my HD2
  4. PriYankee
    01-29-2011 03:31 PM - permalink
    Oh thank god I switched! I been doing MAJOR texting today, I would have beeen PISSED!
  5. BRIVERS73
    01-20-2011 05:41 PM - permalink
    Thanks Bro!!
  6. demonlordoftheround
    01-20-2011 03:52 PM - permalink
    Thank you very much!
  7. fishingmedic
    11-09-2010 07:47 PM - permalink
    no, you need to sign in to the league on espn's site and ok the trade, but I think it went past the deadline so I would need to set it up again.
  8. GirlGoneGeek
    10-22-2010 05:30 PM - permalink
    Happy birthday
  9. WorldWide
    10-22-2010 04:56 PM - permalink
    Happy B-Day Brah!
  10. Dr.8820
    10-22-2010 01:14 PM - permalink
    thanks guys!

About Me

  • About Dr.8820
    Pocket PC
    HTC Shooter/Schubert 32GB
    Cleveland, Ohio


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General Information
  • Join Date: 10-31-2007
  • Referrals: 3


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03:25 AM - Dr.8820 mentioned good in post Re: WP7 better customer satisfaction than Android, not quite iOS yet.
...nCT, [MENTION=34412]GoodThings2Life went to t...
12:12 AM - eric12341 mentioned Dr.8820 in post Re: WP7 better customer satisfaction than Android, not quite iOS yet.
......stay tuned... Dr.8820 yea I already set hi...
11:00 PM - Dr.8820 mentioned eric12341 in post Re: update question?
Thank you eric12341! Sept. 1st is the ru...
02:57 PM - eric12341 mentioned Dr.8820 in post Re: Mango released to users on Sept 1st ?
...using my HTC HD7 Dr.8820 u mean NoDo? despite...
11:23 PM - eric12341 mentioned Dr.8820 in post Re: Used NE2 for iPhone 1 month update
...oodThings2Life ,and Dr.8820 can all attest to th...

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