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psycho_maniac is still contributing even after becoming a VIPpsycho_maniac is still contributing even after becoming a VIPpsycho_maniac is still contributing even after becoming a VIPpsycho_maniac is still contributing even after becoming a VIPpsycho_maniac is still contributing even after becoming a VIPpsycho_maniac is still contributing even after becoming a VIPpsycho_maniac is still contributing even after becoming a VIPpsycho_maniac is still contributing even after becoming a VIPpsycho_maniac is still contributing even after becoming a VIPpsycho_maniac is still contributing even after becoming a VIPpsycho_maniac is still contributing even after becoming a VIP

psycho_maniac Offline

Super Senior VIP Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 57
  1. Psychobaby
    05-28-2010 05:39 PM - permalink
    Hey baby wassup???!!!!
  2. Psychobaby
    05-20-2010 04:09 PM - permalink
    Not much...mostly severe boredom lol!
  3. Psychobaby
    05-20-2010 04:54 AM - permalink
    Psycho!!!!!!!!!!! Hi
  4. horndoctor
    05-19-2010 12:48 AM - permalink
    I replaced the one on my vogue but from what I understand replacing one on a TP or Diamond can be a bit trickier. It's easy to get dust or debris in between the digitizer and the lcd screen. I dropped my vogue in a puddle...remember now!? lol
  5. horndoctor
    05-18-2010 01:09 PM - permalink
    Well, TMZ was nice enough to send me one for my Vogue so I didn't have to buy it but I did do some checking and they were around $20 or less. You might be better off buying the digitizer with the lcd screen pre-assembled for your Pro which will make installation easier and safer. You'll just have to see what you can get. I think the lcd/digitizer combo is around $70 or less. Not positive.
  6. BigDiesel07
    04-28-2010 11:52 PM - permalink
    Happy birthday!
  7. GirlGoneGeek
    04-25-2010 04:17 PM - permalink
    sooooooooooooo jealous
  8. GirlGoneGeek
    04-25-2010 02:55 PM - permalink
    wow, nice NIB from insurance co is always a plus
  9. Dr.8820
    04-21-2010 05:47 PM - permalink
    hey bro, where can i get this taskbar? thanks! http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...&postcount=140
  10. imneveral0ne
    04-20-2010 01:57 AM - permalink
    yay new friend

About Me

  • About psycho_maniac
    Pocket PC
    Nexus 6p
    Att StraightTalk
    Im Jerry...
  • Signature
    Phone: Nexus 6p | Carrier: StraightTalk Att
    Kernel: Stock | ROM: Stock Oreo


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 09-14-2019 10:52 PM
  • Join Date: 05-11-2009
  • Referrals: 0


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