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[sammich] can't get a higher reputation level[sammich] can't get a higher reputation level[sammich] can't get a higher reputation level[sammich] can't get a higher reputation level[sammich] can't get a higher reputation level[sammich] can't get a higher reputation level[sammich] can't get a higher reputation level[sammich] can't get a higher reputation level[sammich] can't get a higher reputation level[sammich] can't get a higher reputation level[sammich] can't get a higher reputation level

[sammich] Offline

Retired Moderator

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 60
  1. Diksmash McIronKawk
    07-22-2010 10:19 AM - permalink
    Diksmash McIronKawk
    and milkips
  2. Diksmash McIronKawk
    07-22-2010 10:17 AM - permalink
    Diksmash McIronKawk
    Oh hai there.

    So i heard you like muddkipz...
  3. Counterfeit
    07-20-2010 03:50 PM - permalink
    fishingmedic told me I had you to thank for the "Mr.X Liberate Your Phone" signature picture he had, so thanks! I'll find a random post of yours and thank it haha.
  4. Carla
    07-17-2010 02:35 AM - permalink
  5. Carla
    06-17-2010 11:54 PM - permalink
    You always make me smile!!! <3 <3 <3 I want to talk to you LOL! Grrrrr it was working this afternoon when i jumped on. You should see me right now, I am yelling at the TVVVVV
  6. Mr. X
    06-11-2010 09:09 AM - permalink
    Mr. X
  7. Carla
    06-10-2010 08:13 PM - permalink
    LMAO!! Pal won't connect for me

    I am always dirnkin mah juice in da hood, "what you say bout my momma!?"
  8. Carla
    06-09-2010 12:56 AM - permalink
    Why you all over da forum and ignoring my Messages?
  9. DarkLord
    06-07-2010 11:30 AM - permalink
    hiya, sir..
  10. Mr. X
    06-05-2010 01:05 PM - permalink
    Mr. X
    Ok now that my seizure has subsided from your user page. check this out http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=123735

About Me


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 05-12-2014 06:07 AM
  • Join Date: 07-15-2007
  • Referrals: 1


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 25


03:29 PM - [sammich] mentioned sprint in post Diamond and Touch Pro Query - Sprints Response
...o, I sent a plea to Sprint to NOT change the lo...

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