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dbldwn02 is keeping up the good workdbldwn02 is keeping up the good workdbldwn02 is keeping up the good work

dbldwn02 Offline

Regular 'Geeker

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. flyhigh
    10-20-2009 09:48 PM - permalink
    thanks for the links. It does show $199 but unfortunately it comes up for the full $599 after I log in and choose upgrade. I guess I'm not eligible for an upgrade at this time? Thank you for the links though. I wish there was something I could do.
  2. flyhigh
    10-20-2009 10:18 AM - permalink
    Hi. I haven't posted in the TP2 forum yet but I had been pretty active on the TP forum. My TP has a cracked screen (honestly I did not drop it, it just cracked AS I was pressing the screen to dial). Sprint insists it is physical damage and wants my $100 deductible. I'd hate to pay $100 for a year old TP when I could just pay 99 more for the TP2. I'd really appreciate any links you could send me that might work. I'm not on a SERO plan so hopefully it will work. Thank you

About Me

  • About dbldwn02
    Pocket PC
    Can't Touch This...PRO TOO!
    Friggen Afghanistan...AGAIN!
    Air Force
  • Signature
    For all you zero's that want the EVO...[QUOTE=mobius7107;1714953]Call the Gas and Electric company up and ask for a free months use, Try the Water Company next and see if they give you a % off for working at Walmart or Boeing. Next time you go to Chevron tell the kid who has been there since 2am that you have been a long time customer and want to know where the free gas is and that you want some Ready Now Service too.[/QUOTE]


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 01-08-2012 06:57 PM
  • Join Date: 03-11-2008
  • Referrals: 1


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