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CFay is a trusted member of the communityCFay is a trusted member of the communityCFay is a trusted member of the communityCFay is a trusted member of the communityCFay is a trusted member of the communityCFay is a trusted member of the communityCFay is a trusted member of the communityCFay is a trusted member of the communityCFay is a trusted member of the communityCFay is a trusted member of the communityCFay is a trusted member of the community

CFay Offline

Father of the Treo Pro

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Young DC
    03-19-2010 05:25 AM - permalink
    Young DC
    Happy Birthday
  2. Carla
    03-19-2010 03:40 AM - permalink
    Happy Birthday!
  3. mackdaddy1
    11-03-2009 04:23 PM - permalink
    Can someone please help I just brick my phone.
    I tried going back to 6.1 and i got an error message stating

    Upgrade ROM code error please try again (and it wont go away)

    I try doing a soft reset and a hard reset with no luck

    Also I can't connect to activesyns any more, plus the screen stay in this mode all the time: pant200
    SPL-0.36.CMONEX CPLD-2 Upgrade ROM code error please try again even after a soft and hard reset. color are red, green and white. thanks
    can someone please help. thanks
  4. neodarksaver
    11-03-2009 02:21 PM - permalink
    You are the man for making ur TP2 rom
  5. acidhax
    10-21-2009 09:56 PM - permalink
    Thanks for the compliment, your 'inferior rom' comment made me 'lol' :P
  6. Carla
    10-14-2009 05:10 PM - permalink
    Hey CFAY, just wanted to give you a personal thanks for the Treo Pro ROMs. I just got home with mine today and am flashing your 6.5 right now. I needed something more reliable then my Diamond till December so they gave me this LOL!! Thanks again
  7. Phaedrus
    08-19-2009 02:11 PM - permalink
    Just wanted to drop you a note about my post in the Treo Pro Upgrades thread. I posted an apology, but I wanted to be sure you got it. The gist of the message was that I meant no disrespect, I just meant to gently rib you about the 48 hour thing. After the thread exploded; I re-read my post, and realized it read worse than I meant.

    At any rate; I'm sorry If I came across like a jerk. I seriously appreciate your efforts, and look forward to the finished product.

About Me

  • About CFay
    Pocket PC
    HTC Touch Pro2/Treo Pro
    Sugar Land
    Hacking your phone
    CFay is my name.
  • Signature
    If you enjoy my work: thank me =D>

    CFay TP2 Port ROM! Check it out!
    Changed my name from fayfay392 to CFay!


Total Posts
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 07-17-2015 10:04 AM
  • Join Date: 04-24-2008
  • Referrals: 9


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