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purian23 is a trusted member of the communitypurian23 is a trusted member of the communitypurian23 is a trusted member of the communitypurian23 is a trusted member of the communitypurian23 is a trusted member of the communitypurian23 is a trusted member of the communitypurian23 is a trusted member of the communitypurian23 is a trusted member of the communitypurian23 is a trusted member of the communitypurian23 is a trusted member of the communitypurian23 is a trusted member of the community

purian23 Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. boggsie
    05-19-2010 03:00 PM - permalink
    Hey, here's hoping and praying that all is well in your neck of the woods. Who cares about phones and such, just let us know that you're ok.
  2. Jaybell4444
    02-07-2010 04:30 PM - permalink
    This is Freakin awesome!!! Been waiting for this theme for the longest and you have no idea how much I appreciate your work PURIAN and MIGHTY'S as well!!! A donation is definitely coming your way and a THOUSAND thanx for all the hard work and hours you guys put into your work!!! I have been a MAJOR fan of MightyRom and your theme's. With an awesome ROM and a beautiful theme, what else can you ask for! Thankyou again!!
  3. plastiq2
    01-11-2010 10:46 PM - permalink
    Purian you are a beast with this black out, let me know if theyre is anything I can do to help test.

About Me

  • About purian23
    Pocket PC
    HTC Evo/HTC Arrive
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  • Last Activity: 09-27-2013 03:24 PM
  • Join Date: 02-08-2009
  • Referrals: 1


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