Hey I was wondering if you ever got that stock rom for the desire uploaded. I got a little ahead of myself and forgot to backup before I started uninstalling all the stock apps that I didnt need. As soon as nex-tech gets the 2.2 ruu out I want to install that and be as close to stock as possible before hand.
Thanks. By the way if you have not found a way to Root your phone unrevoked does a nice job...especially if you have access to Linux or Mac.
Hi there, i see that your with Nex-Tech. i just switched over from alltel today. i had the HTC:TP (just put the Mighty rom on 1st time). i went with the HTC: Diamond for Nex-Tech and was wondering if the common CDMA/Alltel Roms/software will be fine for our Carrier phones? or do i need to look for specially made roms/software to avoid problems?
Whoops, thought you were a member from the beginning in 07, wrong person. We can still be friends. Nice to meet ya, I'm the site owners fiance, courtney! I love this site and my Diamond very much! HTC is my fav!