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makkonen is still contributing even after becoming a VIPmakkonen is still contributing even after becoming a VIPmakkonen is still contributing even after becoming a VIPmakkonen is still contributing even after becoming a VIPmakkonen is still contributing even after becoming a VIPmakkonen is still contributing even after becoming a VIPmakkonen is still contributing even after becoming a VIPmakkonen is still contributing even after becoming a VIPmakkonen is still contributing even after becoming a VIPmakkonen is still contributing even after becoming a VIPmakkonen is still contributing even after becoming a VIP

makkonen Offline

TouchPro Android Guy

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. mxryder0458
    04-24-2011 10:40 PM - permalink
    Hey, i downloaded you all in 1 android eclair on RAPH 800 and RAPH 500...so i tried loading that on my verizon cdma htc touch pro 2, and when i launch Haret, it immediatly says booting linux then it just restarts the phone with nothing changed. I already tried deleting what you said to in FAQ but it did nothing..please help
  2. ForteD
    06-24-2010 02:58 PM - permalink
    please help me, how to android received 2 partition and run in partition 2nd ? I split my MMC to 2 partition but android can show only 1st partition, although in WM and PC I can see 2 partition. I want 1st partition for storage and 2nd partition for android
  3. Batman
    03-06-2010 05:56 PM - permalink
    congrats on making it to vip makk!
  4. Batman
    02-26-2010 12:48 AM - permalink
    hey makk, for all your hard work i decided to make you a sig

  5. GeekLad
    12-01-2009 03:21 PM - permalink
    Kudos for the zImage w/ CDMA radio! I hope CDMA data is soon to follow.

About Me

  • About makkonen
    Pocket PC
    Vogu100, Raph500, Diam500, Raph800, Evo


Total Posts
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 03-20-2016 01:50 PM
  • Join Date: 05-05-2007
  • Referrals: 2


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