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watzone69 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPwatzone69 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPwatzone69 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPwatzone69 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPwatzone69 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPwatzone69 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPwatzone69 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPwatzone69 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPwatzone69 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPwatzone69 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPwatzone69 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP

watzone69 Offline

I did it all for Ta-nuki

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. watzone69
    12-14-2009 07:57 PM - permalink
    It's pretty cool! I like Android but it's all so new and I haven't really figured out how to cook with it yet. How do you like the Imagio? It's pretty much like the Topaz, right? If Sprint would have offered it I would have bought it. I even considered jumping ship except that I've been w/Sprint for 11 years now.
  2. Reef48
    12-04-2009 05:35 PM - permalink
    How is the Hero treating you bro?
  3. Carla
    11-28-2009 04:06 AM - permalink
    I did! I had a great one actually. Thank you. I hope yours was great too! How have you been? We miss you lol

About Me

  • About watzone69
    Pocket PC
    EVO 4G, Nook Color, Xoom Wifi
    Bonsai, Music
    Austin, Texas, USA
    I eat sushi with my fingers.


Total Posts
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 05-27-2012 05:08 PM
  • Join Date: 10-28-2008
  • Referrals: 2


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