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cmylxgo Offline

ROM Pimper

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
  1. thejackalsmark
    07-28-2011 07:45 PM - permalink
    Damn nice body of work! Was hoping you MIGHT have a qvga version of your msu theme for s2u2 with the "S" as battery. after days of searching forums and google I can't find a qvga of it. only the "SPARTY" 1. Thx in advance for any help.
  2. GT247
    06-08-2011 07:41 PM - permalink
    Sir...over at XDA, in the Energy Rom TP2 thread, a member by the name of "eac" is working on skinning the TP2 GSM for Sencity theme...he'd like some advice on skinning the dialer, I hope you don't mind my asking you to maybe offer him some input...here's where he's at with it...

    xda-developers - View Single Post - R [WWE|GER|FRA|ITA|NLD] |May 14| Energy™-.¸¸.·´¯ 6.5|21916 / 6.5.X|29020 * Sense 2021
  3. KillerKellerjr
    05-26-2011 09:02 PM - permalink
    Hey can you re-up the CMYLXGOs.EnergyROM.TP2.Black.Dialer.v0.16.cab? Also does it work on manilla 2.5 or the latest EnergyROM? I would like a CDMA Black Dialer for WVGA or TP2 and love the way yours looks. Thanks
  4. asiks
    04-14-2011 10:42 AM - permalink
    hey cmylxgo,
    i downloaded and installed one of your flip clocks (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/908800-post67.html) but i do not really know how to "activate" it
    my phone is a htc touch 3g
    i hope you can help me ;(
  5. rel18
    01-11-2011 09:20 PM - permalink
    hi cmylxgo I wonder if I can do a great favor if it is clearly too much to ask, good or I hope you can help me get what I want but what happens is that I have a sprint touch pro 2 and see what you've done with the sprint blue theme like to get the original green for my HTC touch pro 2 or bubbles just get notification of the messages and e-mails
  6. alecks05
    07-20-2010 12:33 AM - permalink
    what do u have for pink themes or slider icons and highlights i've tried the pinkin' ain't easy but the slider icons don't glow pink like it said it should.
  7. legacy4eva
    04-26-2010 05:13 PM - permalink
    Hey whats goign on bro. I saw you have a couple of apps from the T-Mobile to Sprint. I am not going to lie to you I HATE WMO 6.5 right now. Is there you can create a contact cab. like the one on the T-Moble touch pro 2. or the old windows 6.1
  8. chrisleyz83
    04-08-2010 07:47 PM - permalink
    hey whts up im chrisley and i have the htc tp 2 and ive been tryn to get a hello kitty themes can u plz help me out by get one
  9. Carla
    01-01-2010 03:42 AM - permalink
    Happy New Year!!
  10. ibhangen
    12-28-2009 09:58 AM - permalink
    Morning Cmylxgo,
    This is the most awesome package
    Thanks a bunch


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    Pocket PC
    Touch Pro2
    Drag Racing
    Detroit Rock City
    Network Engineer
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    I work better Drunk...


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  • Last Activity: 03-07-2015 08:28 PM
  • Join Date: 03-04-2007
  • Referrals: 13


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