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silence12782 can't get a higher reputation levelsilence12782 can't get a higher reputation levelsilence12782 can't get a higher reputation levelsilence12782 can't get a higher reputation levelsilence12782 can't get a higher reputation levelsilence12782 can't get a higher reputation levelsilence12782 can't get a higher reputation levelsilence12782 can't get a higher reputation levelsilence12782 can't get a higher reputation levelsilence12782 can't get a higher reputation levelsilence12782 can't get a higher reputation level

silence12782 Offline

What the VIP is going on!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. silence12782
    12-17-2009 02:52 PM - permalink
  2. silence12782
    12-05-2009 02:18 PM - permalink
    TP2 Rom is still under development..
  3. miguelberrios76
    11-14-2009 11:30 PM - permalink
    You are by far my favorite cook, secondly NRGZ28. Anxiosly waiting to see what you cooking. Look forward to it.
  4. roey
    11-08-2009 08:29 PM - permalink
    hi,can you upload your kitchen of rom 09-15 23016 (cdma touch pro)?
    this rom is really so good. thank you .
    09-18-2009 12:19 AM - permalink
    Modified Notifications Menu With Battery Icon WHAT HAPPEN TO THE LINK?
  6. bigword73
    09-05-2009 09:52 PM - permalink
    how do i know if the silence rom for 6.5 will work on my touch pro. because a while back i tried to put something like it on my mogul and it bricked it. and im kinda second guessing whether or not i should try it on my touch pro.

  7. silence12782
    09-03-2009 02:10 PM - permalink
    Here is the infamous SR9
  8. miguelberrios76
    08-30-2009 09:58 PM - permalink
    I appreciate your contributions. I am especially huge fan of your ROM 9. I got a replacement phone from my insurance and wanted to know if you had this ROM still available. Thnx

About Me

  • About silence12782
    Pocket PC
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  • Last Activity: 10-21-2015 12:09 PM
  • Join Date: 05-29-2008
  • Referrals: 3


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