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Boo Boo is halfway to VIP status based on repBoo Boo is halfway to VIP status based on repBoo Boo is halfway to VIP status based on repBoo Boo is halfway to VIP status based on repBoo Boo is halfway to VIP status based on repBoo Boo is halfway to VIP status based on repBoo Boo is halfway to VIP status based on repBoo Boo is halfway to VIP status based on repBoo Boo is halfway to VIP status based on rep

Boo Boo Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. DevilbearNY
    09-25-2010 06:02 PM - permalink
    Hi. I desperately need your guidance. Could you please help me out. I did the ruu for 3.26.... then did the update from the phone and when i got to this part (put these 2 files on your sd card (delete all previous zips)

    turn off Evo
    boot into bootloader (hold volume down than press power) it will launch the clock work recover and when prompted install it )
    the only option it gives me is fast boot, recovery, ckear storage, simlock and hboot usb. what em i doing wrong or what i need to do to proceed plz ?
  2. GirlGoneGeek
    06-05-2010 11:58 AM - permalink
    I always slip n slide haha
  3. GirlGoneGeek
    06-05-2010 08:19 AM - permalink
    haha I just never noticed then
  4. GirlGoneGeek
    06-04-2010 09:48 PM - permalink
    What's with the status? carrier-none of your business
  5. GirlGoneGeek
    06-04-2010 09:24 PM - permalink
  6. Dragon2
    09-08-2009 08:25 PM - permalink
    ***** lol

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  • Last Activity: 04-26-2012 02:34 AM
  • Join Date: 08-25-2007
  • Referrals: 0


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