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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. sec1rxg
    08-28-2010 05:04 PM - permalink
    Originally Posted by themuffinman
    Basically that process is just showing you how to downgrade back to stock 2.1, after that you can root using what ever method you like.

    at what point in the process (New Rooting 2.2) does it become 2.1, cuz all steps in the video end up with a 2.2 root. where do i stop in the process and root the newly downgraded OS and continue with a android 2.1 rooting process....just asking.

    thanks for your help
  2. GirlGoneGeek
    07-29-2010 08:43 PM - permalink
    Podcast is playing HERE now
  3. themuffinman
    07-16-2010 02:25 AM - permalink
    LMAO, thanks
  4. Carla
    07-15-2010 11:38 PM - permalink
  5. themuffinman
    07-15-2010 11:29 AM - permalink
  6. demonlordoftheround
    07-15-2010 06:24 AM - permalink
    Happy Birthday and have a great day!
  7. themuffinman
    07-08-2010 05:27 PM - permalink
    No, never had any issues. I did flash alot of roms though
  8. Counterfeit
    07-08-2010 05:25 PM - permalink
    I'm interested in it. Don't have the 50 posts quite yet obviously, but the phone looks good for being nearly a year old. Never had any software/hardware problems? Have to ask haha.
  9. Counterfeit
    07-08-2010 04:41 PM - permalink
    Phone still for sale?
  10. tahji1
    05-31-2010 09:10 AM - permalink
    Saw your post about where you'll be getting the evo. Have you pre ordered

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