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storyr is a trusted member of the communitystoryr is a trusted member of the communitystoryr is a trusted member of the communitystoryr is a trusted member of the communitystoryr is a trusted member of the communitystoryr is a trusted member of the communitystoryr is a trusted member of the communitystoryr is a trusted member of the communitystoryr is a trusted member of the communitystoryr is a trusted member of the communitystoryr is a trusted member of the community

storyr Offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. gaurav1984
    09-17-2012 12:33 PM - permalink
    Hi Storyr,
    I have seen ur comment on /pixel.dnsalias.net regarding hosting venusware.net at GoDaddy since the start...actually i was just googling and i found this (GoDaddy Hacked, Millions of Sites Down - IGN) that godaddy site is hacked n down from Aug2012 may be thats y marsware weatherppanel application is not working....i m srry i m posting this message here as i am not able to register pixel.dnsalias.net...Well,i am a big fan of weatherpanel..thnx alot for ur contribution..i am still using wm 6.1 bcoz i really like it's today screen feature.hope weatherpanel will be started once again...thnx
  2. rebecker
    05-05-2010 10:02 AM - permalink

    I altered your PhatPhinger IV layout to accommodate my HD2. I've been asked to post my alterations. Since these changes are really minor, leaving 95% of the design as you had created them, I don't feel I can post it without your permission. I can send you screen shots if you give me your email address.

    -Bob Becker-
  3. JZ*
    10-21-2009 12:32 AM - permalink
    Hey storyr...really hate to bother you again (especially a fellow Tacoman!) but what is in volved in making WP compatible with WVGA (TP2)? Is it a major thing to do? Thanks, John
  4. 12stringchap
    10-18-2009 01:24 AM - permalink
    Hey, I'm hoping you can help. In your weather panel widgets for spb mobile. I want one to just display temp. no icons. Is there anything I can just delete from big temp in the xml file to do that?

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  • About storyr
    Pocket PC
    software engineer


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  • Last Activity: 09-04-2012 09:44 AM
  • Join Date: 09-10-2006
  • Referrals: 16


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