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alfredo-x is keeping up the good workalfredo-x is keeping up the good work

alfredo-x Offline

PPCGeeks Regular

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. kris812
    06-14-2011 07:39 PM - permalink
    Hey I used to have the TP2 on cricket with WEB and MMS working on the 45$ plan.. All I had to do was run a .cab file and type in my number@mycricket.com and "cricket" for the password.. If you want to email me at kris812@hotmail.com I'll send you the Cab file needed to do this.. Just thought I would toss you a bone if you dont have it working by now..
  2. kuzcatlan
    04-21-2010 07:08 PM - permalink
    HI Alfredo. Do you have a copy of the latest cricket PRL?
  3. evolveweb78
    02-10-2010 12:20 AM - permalink
    What's up! Alfredo
    SPCS_1.40WF <- Sprint 6.5 Test ROM Radio works fine! I use Energy Rom most of the time, but for Sprint users the best bets are Calkulin's Rom or NEODIUM, they are already set on manila 2.5 with SMS ready, and internet sharing for your pc wifi for free(if you have unlimited data!). Let me know what works for you!

  4. adc218623
    12-29-2009 07:58 PM - permalink
    hey there, ive been reading many posts and you seem like your ontop of the issues im having. i hope you can help. i have a tp on cricket and i got text, call and internet to work fine. however when i try to send a pic it automaticly says delivery unavalible in 1 or 2 sec after i send it. if you have any ideas bout wut im skipping it would help ALOT!thanks bro. keep up the good work & stay ahead of the game

About Me

  • About alfredo-x
    Pocket PC
    HTC TP2


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  • Last Activity: 07-11-2011 03:48 PM
  • Join Date: 03-02-2009
  • Referrals: 0


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