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SomeGuyMMS is a trusted member of the communitySomeGuyMMS is a trusted member of the communitySomeGuyMMS is a trusted member of the communitySomeGuyMMS is a trusted member of the communitySomeGuyMMS is a trusted member of the communitySomeGuyMMS is a trusted member of the communitySomeGuyMMS is a trusted member of the communitySomeGuyMMS is a trusted member of the communitySomeGuyMMS is a trusted member of the communitySomeGuyMMS is a trusted member of the communitySomeGuyMMS is a trusted member of the community

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. dnice208
    10-12-2009 01:24 PM - permalink
    Greetings...Still waiting on info if this will work on htc's that have been flashed to Metropcs. Dont mind donating at all for KNOWLEDGE is no prob as long as it is useful to me. I am talking specifically htc 6900 touch, I always have problems with pix/msg, everything else works fine when flashed to metropcs
  2. dnice208
    10-05-2009 11:09 AM - permalink
    Greetings of Peace & Blessings...I have tons of pix msg problems with htc 6900's and syncs converted to Metropcs...the 6900 shows incoming & outgoing downloading but it never happens..will this program work for this problem
  3. Darrell262
    08-11-2009 09:34 PM - permalink
    Hi, I was wondering if you had time to look at the telus network for the mms stuff.
    I am almost convinced you could make your software work for telus which would make me happy and others as well. I would donate for your software if you could get it 2 work. I can find info about servers for telus and stuff to send the pictures, and I can help you out with their website to recieve the pictures.

    I have a touch pro phone and I am bummed by telus and it that I can't send/recieve txt pictures

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  • Join Date: 03-25-2008
  • Referrals: 35


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