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ajayrajsingh is a n00b

ajayrajsingh Offline


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  1. oscarvarun
    10-23-2012 10:14 AM - permalink
    Lg fathom updating not working.. only it updates till 4% and then stuck.. need to upgrade from V4 to V5 or V7. used kp500 method. same there too. didnt used LGNPST as it is not so advisable to do so. help me out. since u r from India u r aware about the unlocking probs after updating. pls reply for any method to update it.
  2. ajayrajsingh
    03-17-2012 12:56 AM - permalink
    i dont have nvs file can you please send me
  3. n1nj4Lo
    03-16-2012 04:27 PM - permalink
    @ajayrajsingh you need to boot your phone back into emergency download I believe, open LGNPST and click on the Data tab then it's the last tab below it I think, and ya need to reload your NV from the backup

    estore your nvs file, Turn the phone off and hold down the 5 key, then plug it in and load LGNPST and look for VS750_COM3.nvs (Should be in "C:\LG Electronics\LGNPST") the select DATA tab and I believe its the last option.

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  • About ajayrajsingh
    Pocket PC


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  • Last Activity: 04-23-2012 06:22 AM
  • Join Date: 03-14-2012
  • Referrals: 0


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