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ppc pimp. :D

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
  1. pizlam
    06-02-2011 03:03 PM - permalink
    hi Deck-
    love ur rom...great work...I have been using since rc8...never got the battery to last as long as u mention though no matter what...I can get 14 hrs with very light use... not sure if iam doing something wrong....battery tested and is good. No FB or twitter acct...4 email accts using k9 and set likr an exchange server...nothing else really....if I use Gps- I gey like 3 hrs....I havr 3 Evos, but only one using ur rom...please help me out if u can....dont want to buy extended battery as I like the slim figure of the EVO...thanx in advace...pizlam
  2. captainphoenixx
    05-13-2011 04:39 PM - permalink
    i amusing ur gingerbreadrom, but icantseem togetmymms to download
  3. amw1972
    04-18-2011 04:01 PM - permalink
    thnx for the look-see on that darkginger theme...think the dev is trying to get it together for an installable .apk for the theme engine. Currently its a .zip flashable theme.
  4. amw1972
    04-18-2011 12:46 AM - permalink
    love your GB ROM for the EVO. I have been an avid CM user and opted to try your ROM...and I do commend you for extending the battery life for our juice sucking fiend(the EVO) Reason why I'm messaging you is that there is a certain theme out there that is a personal favorite DarkGinger and was wondering if there would be any ill effects if I try to flash THAT onto your ROM. Since the Dev specifies that its made FOR CM7...as far as I understand that your ROM is basically a stripped down version of CM (without ADW and a lot of other bells and whistles...that i can live without) I'm assuming that it shouldn't affect anything right? I'm writing that Dev on the same issue so that I'm covering the ROM side and the theme side...THANKS!!
  5. Earmuffs
    08-04-2010 09:53 AM - permalink
    HOLY CRAP MAN LOOKING OVER THE FORUM I FIND A LINK TO YOUR s3vo 1.2 Froyo 2.2 Rom. I ran your roms on my TP2, I tried a lot of roms sometimes flashing 4 times in a day, your ARE BY FAR the best Roms EVAR!!!! OMFG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXTATIC I AM THAT YOU ARE AN EVO CHEF NOW. OOOOOOOOOHHHH HUGGGIES! ^.^
  6. candy14510
    07-26-2010 01:32 PM - permalink
    Sorry, I posted on the tread the issues I was having with your rom....can you help me in anyway??? I can't even reflash sprint stock to it...yours just keeps starting...it's very annoying...sorry...I like a lot about it...but not recieving or send pic mail is important to me......can you help me at all??? Thanks
  7. candy14510
    07-22-2010 11:05 PM - permalink
    I am so sorry to bother you...but I downloaded your rom and bricked my evo...I did not wipe it, becasue i didn't think i had to, I had just rooted it!!! i can't get it back to bootloader...I need your help!!!! I can hear it connect to my cmputor....I can shut it down and it automatically restarts to the same place as it trys to load witht the graphics!!! Any suggestions???
  8. emd2009
    04-22-2010 05:17 PM - permalink
    Hey man just wondering if you could cook a 6.5.x variation of your rom? You're the best!
  9. Joker022
    12-25-2009 05:27 PM - permalink
    SsS for TP2 is already out, skruff77
  10. skruff77
    11-14-2009 05:58 AM - permalink
    hey deck
    just wanted to say i love your roms and i hope to see a SsS rom for the tp2.

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    kiLA kali -
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  • Last Activity: 01-27-2021 02:18 AM
  • Join Date: 02-19-2007
  • Referrals: 10


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10:40 AM - deck mentioned Kus in post [ROM][ICS][12-7-11][WIP] ics-inc-deck [pre-alpha3]
...ost recent updates. Kushdeck
10:39 AM - deck mentioned Kus in post [ROM][ICS][12-7-11][WIP] ics-evo-deck [pre-alpha3]
...ost recent updates. Kushdeck
07:26 AM - darren.wlsn1 mentioned deck in post Re: Bring on the ROMS! (Psssst OMJ, you need this phone)
... Any one know where deck went? Wondering if ...
04:01 AM - amw1972 mentioned deck in post Re: Bring on the ROMS! (Psssst OMJ, you need this phone)
... Any one know where deck went? Wondering if ...
02:20 AM - deck mentioned Kus in post [ROM][9-12-11][2.3.5] gingerbread-e3d-deck [1.3d] ALPHA
...r, please follow me Kushdeck on twitter.. W...
03:05 AM - amw1972 mentioned deck in post Re: [8-20-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.3d][2.3.5 beta]
...ions! SD reader?? deck: Was wondering what...
08:12 AM - deck mentioned Kus in post [ROM][8-31-11][2.3.4] gbsense-e3d-deck [1.0] #chittychittybangbang
...r, please follow me Kushdeck on twitter.. We...
12:20 PM - deck mentioned Kus in post [7-12-11][ROM] gingerbread-droid-deck [1.2.1][2.3.4 Stable]
...r, please follow me Kushdeck on twitter.. We...
11:39 AM - deck mentioned Kus in post [10-11-11][ROM] gingerbread-inc-deck [1.3][2.3.7][Stable]
...r, please follow me Kushdeck on twitter.. W...
03:49 AM - deck mentioned Kus in post [6-11-11][ROM] gingerbread-mt4g-deck [1.0][2.3.3 Stable][1.2u][2.3.4 Beta]
...r, please follow me Kushdeck on twitter.. W...
03:27 AM - deck mentioned Kus in post [10-11-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.3][2.3.7 Stable] #Stablistic
...r, please follow me kushdeck on twitter.. W...

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