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dizzthebarber is becoming a great contributor

dizzthebarber Offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. iknowsquat
    01-17-2010 02:54 AM - permalink
    Thanks It's on my To Do List!!
  2. iknowsquat
    01-17-2010 02:36 AM - permalink
    Sorry, no that's where you Dudes are beyond me, I still havent gotten into cooking yet so I'm at a loss.
  3. jdm627
    01-16-2010 06:57 PM - permalink
    What kitchen or Rom are you using now?
  4. TMartin
    01-16-2010 05:01 PM - permalink
    Well it just kinda worked for me, even but sending MMS. It says it sends but the person never gets it. I don't have it in cab form. Sorry
  5. iknowsquat
    01-16-2010 02:43 PM - permalink
    No worries. I need to update my sig I am currently on SKI 0110 Standard. The messaging just works, no issues. It's NOT HTC messaging though but a mod of WM messaging made to look like HTC messaging in certain areas. I dont use bluetooth for anything, so sorry no cabs. What exactly are you looking for? cmbluetooth?
  6. Sharkie405
    01-09-2010 02:27 PM - permalink
    My bad for taking so long to respond. I've not been on in a while. I believe that error message comes from the location of your kitchen. For example if you have your kitchen located in Desktop\My Kitchens\ RZs Kitchen\etc...., the spaces between the words will give you that error message. To fix the example I have given above take out the spaces i.e. Desktop\My_Kitchens\RZs_Kitchen\etc.... Add the underscore instead of spaces and that should fix your problem. For some reason the kitchen will give errors if they're are spaces in the path to the kitchen. Hope that helps.
  7. iknowsquat
    01-07-2010 09:11 PM - permalink
    No apologies needed, however I've never run that kitchen, not familiar with the error. I'm a complete cooking noob, I have booted a ROM but it was buggy. I'm plan on learning more but right now I'm probably not the best resource. Sorry.
  8. TMartin

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  • Last Activity: 10-13-2011 10:36 PM
  • Join Date: 08-31-2009
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