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Earmuffs is becoming a great contributor

Earmuffs Offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. NinjaDuck
    03-30-2011 09:51 AM - permalink
    It is pretty simple really. I know so much about the platform that I am able to customize the phone exactly to how I like it and even with trivial effort fill in the gaps with Visual Studio and MortScript. IOS is easy, Android is configurable, WP7 is in its infancy, Blackberry and Symbian are going the way of WM.

    For now I choose to spend time at my day job and with my family instead of diving deep in to another platform. I do not know how to do anything half way. Besides, my new every two is not up yet and who wants to pay $400+ for a phone...
  2. Mswezey
    03-27-2011 10:18 PM - permalink
    I believe i used Time Warner or Cox Enterprises
  3. Earmuffs
    03-27-2011 01:21 AM - permalink
    Meant to post to NinjaDuck's Messages and posted to my own... lol
  4. NinjaDuck
    03-26-2011 11:27 AM - permalink
    Still running the TP2 on verizon. I had a droid X and an incredible for a while (free testing devices), but decided to stick with WM until the dual core phones with LTE are more previlent. I am expecting a few WP7 devices for testing soon, and we will see how that goes.
  5. hotspace
    08-04-2010 10:18 PM - permalink
    Thanks for the tip!!
  6. CellGuy
    03-09-2010 10:06 PM - permalink
    I would be happy to help you but I cannot find those settings. I am assuming you want them from my WM boot not Android?

About Me

  • About Earmuffs
    Pocket PC
    HTC: Touch > TP > TP2 > EVO 4G > EVO 3D
    USCC moved to Sprint
    Wisconsin, USA
  • Signature


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 06-09-2013 01:07 AM
  • Join Date: 01-12-2010
  • Referrals: 0


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