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xizzmatt is just getting started

xizzmatt Offline

PPCGeeks Regular

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. YnYng
    06-17-2010 02:42 PM - permalink
    lol i got nothin to trade it, i was jus wishing
  2. horndoctor
    03-16-2010 03:51 AM - permalink
    Nope. Looks like a nice device though. That's what I hear anyway.
    I hope you can get one! Good Luck!
  3. horndoctor
    03-16-2010 03:19 AM - permalink
    I've done every battery/power hack I can find! lol
    I've done lots of file system tweaks, memory, optimized registry, internet, and lots of hacks to improve speed and add/unlock functions. I made a theme, got a new taskbar, keyboard and I have removed a lot of bloat and I'm pretty happy with it so far. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about it like I did with the Vogue.
  4. horndoctor
    03-16-2010 02:52 AM - permalink
    lol Well TMZ has at least 3 vogues so that's why I mentioned it. I'm not saying yours is crappy! lol
    My Diamond is working out ok. Thanks for asking. I just hate this stock battery.
    I had a 2000mah battery for my old vogue and it would really last but this one is just inadequate. Otherwise, my diamond works great! It was an upgrade in many ways.
    So...do you want my address so you'll know where to send your vogue?
  5. horndoctor
    03-16-2010 02:36 AM - permalink
    Thanks for offering to sell me your Vogue but unfortunately I have no money available to buy another phone at the moment. I'm so darn poor!
    I'll take it if you wanna send it to me!
    If you definitely wanna sell it let TMZ know. He seems to be always looking for parts.
  6. xizzmatt
    01-11-2010 09:10 PM - permalink
    It worked at first then rebooted then froze I reset it then reset again still would freeze. It looked like a great ROM though.
  7. whitey10tc
    01-10-2010 12:42 AM - permalink
    So let me ask why is it that my ROMS wouldn't work I haven't had any complaints or issues with them from anyone else and the latest one has been downloaded over 200 times.

About Me

  • About xizzmatt
    Pocket PC
    Epic 4G
    Tweaking and Flashing
  • Signature
    If I or someone else has helped you make sure to hit the button!


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  • Last Activity: 10-18-2021 04:58 PM
  • Join Date: 08-30-2009
  • Referrals: 0


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