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jmart518 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPjmart518 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPjmart518 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPjmart518 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPjmart518 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPjmart518 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPjmart518 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPjmart518 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPjmart518 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPjmart518 is still contributing even after becoming a VIPjmart518 is still contributing even after becoming a VIP

jmart518 Offline

Cookin' Project: Teya

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. anihilus
    07-21-2012 01:31 PM - permalink
    Great work on Teya! Using it. Any chance of releasing some more of the latest fixes, improvements. Still use the Imagio, keep the development coming!
  2. eaterx6
    04-07-2012 08:05 PM - permalink
    hello, there are some flaws in the rom Teya I wonder if like putting where it the Java, Spider Solietarie and Radio FM if you can put thanks for replying
  3. Captain_coco265
    09-13-2011 04:06 AM - permalink
    Hey man, Are you updating the HTC imagio Teya Mod anymore?
  4. bigboy347
    04-20-2011 12:14 PM - permalink
    Wish I could replace the mobile tv button with home screen on Imagio
    Thank you Bob
  5. Brooklyncat
    02-24-2010 12:55 AM - permalink
    Bklyn N.Y. was here. Jmart has his game with PPC-Geeks on lock trust it!!!

About Me


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-14-2013 10:52 PM
  • Join Date: 05-07-2009
  • Referrals: 3


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