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jason.scorned is a n00b

jason.scorned Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. masetas
    02-02-2011 08:49 PM - permalink
    have you fix the mms problem yet?
  2. jason.scorned
    12-04-2010 01:15 AM - permalink
    I can send them, but I get a txt link to a boost media mail site where I can view them online. Is it because of android? I had a tour on and it needed a svc book in order to work, Hmm... I wonder if the settings for the android boost is releasing will reveal anything. I'm surprised its not been revealed, I search every day. I thought I would try to ask someone specifically, maybe a cook. Thanks for your time tho...
  3. masetas
    12-03-2010 11:13 PM - permalink
    the acrosoft for the tp2 on boost will not work for the evo on boost. If you have the evo on boost why are u having problems with the mms since the way to get the evo on boost is to illegally swap the esn. IT should work off the bat

About Me

  • About jason.scorned
    Pocket PC
    EVO 3G


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-31-2013 11:46 AM
  • Join Date: 11-10-2010
  • Referrals: 0


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