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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. OR78
    02-15-2010 08:58 PM - permalink
    LOL..I don't know how many times I end up doing the same.
  2. lilcobra2
    02-15-2010 12:31 PM - permalink
    I'm in Illinois and ride a sabre.Going to bike show this weekend.Thinking either new or bigger used. Winter here is in teens right now w/snow.I go to the garage a just to look at it.
  3. OR78
    02-11-2010 06:55 PM - permalink
    Live in Colorado. I got a Shadow. Been customizing it as I go. I hear ya about the itch. As soon as we go above 55-60 degrees I plan on pulling her out. Its nice country to ride around here. With all the snow you guys been getting I can imagine how bad you wanna get out but can't. Been there many times.
  4. georgepink
    02-10-2010 08:40 PM - permalink
    Hey, OR78, what is that you ride? I've got a Dyna and a real itch to do some riding this year. <Been a long winter here in Central New York> where you from and where do you ride? Can our paths cross? Just curious....

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