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mapaz04 is becoming a PPCGeeks regularmapaz04 is becoming a PPCGeeks regularmapaz04 is becoming a PPCGeeks regularmapaz04 is becoming a PPCGeeks regularmapaz04 is becoming a PPCGeeks regular

mapaz04 Offline

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  1. deano083
    11-20-2011 10:22 AM - permalink
    Hi i was just wondering if i could post your how to unbrick a acer iconia tab
    link on my forum please thanks alot from miihackwii team
  2. mapaz04
    05-24-2011 01:34 AM - permalink
    Try to push the flexrom.img first, once that succeeds, then push the system.img. I will change this on the post.
  3. danaobrest
    05-24-2011 12:33 AM - permalink
    I've tried to unbrieck my Acer iconia
    But the system blocked after executing the command :
    dd if=/sdcard/system.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3

    I have no other solution than rebooting ... But sometimes, I didn't wait enough because I had the Android screen wich ask a system (the android robot with the !).

    How many I have to wait to be sure that the command is finished ?

    Thanx a lot !

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  • About mapaz04
    Pocket PC
    Electronics, Cars... Money.. jejeje
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    teaMJPx/mapaz04 - WP7 & Android - Hit "THANKS" if i've been able to help you


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  • Last Activity: 12-02-2012 06:38 PM
  • Join Date: 12-07-2008
  • Referrals: 4


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03:45 PM - mapaz04 mentioned gtago100 in post Re: unBRICK your ACER A500 ICONIA TABLET!!! Restore to 1.141.07 OTA UPDATE!!!
...RICK THEIR A500*** gtago100 The files have al...
03:29 PM - mapaz04 mentioned Ruin91 in post Re: [HOW TO] ROOT Acer A100 Tablet EASY AS 1-2-3 jejeje
Ruin91: There wont be a...
05:39 PM - dtrush mentioned mapaz04 in post Re: [SMS INCREASE] REMOVE the 160+ SMS Limit on WP7 for HTC Arrive GOLD_C
mapaz04 I appreciate this in...
08:47 PM - mapaz04 mentioned dave420wank in post Re: [HOW TO] Install CWM and ROOT for GALAXY TAB 10.1
dave420wank... Make sure that ...
08:16 PM - mapaz04 mentioned and1 in post Re: Official Gengerbread out!!
...gcd7abbd htc-kernel@and18-2 #1 Sat Nov 20 15:...

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